Saturday, June 13, 2009

Six Word Saturday- Good Will

(I'm late, barely making the cutoff, but here's the Six Word Saturday from Cate's blog. Check her out on the button on the right.)

Been Busy! Technically, it's still Saturday!

What a week. So much cleaning got done, so I was SOOOO grateful for Becka's offer to drive me out to Will's neck of the woods for the weekend without the kids. I got the carpets cleaned last night, which is PERFECT because they're drying WITH NO ONE IN THE HOUSE TO WRECK THEM AGAIN!!!!

At least for another 24 hours. shhhhhh.

So, I'm here with Will. Painting. Going for walks. Eating icecream. Checking out abandoned, cool farmhouses. Swimming in MINUS DEGREE water! (okay, so it wasn't THAT cold, but I lost my nipples breath once I jumped in!) You know-- just the general I'MTOTALLYINLOVE things people do. :)


Call Me Cate said...

Sounds like a great Saturday to me! Thanks for playing along!