Thursday, June 25, 2009

The End and The Beginning


Remember this?: (first day of school this year)

Now we have this:
Think they're a bit excited about summer vacation!? This may be the last day they get to wear these uniforms, though, assuming we move before school starts next year. :(

And so now my blogging may decrease even more. I'm hoping to find some time to blog, as the house is filled with dayhome school-aged kids who entertain the regular little ones. And we will be outside, avoiding further damage to the house I am trying to sell. We had *two* showings yesterday, so at least people are coming in! PRAY HARDER, PEOPLE-- I need out of this place.

People keep telling me it took 50 or 100 showings before they sold their homes. Or how they lost money. Or how it was 6 months before they got an offer! BUT, the good thing is that my realtor talked with one of the realtors who brought someone through yesterday, and the feedback was really positive in regards to price and how the house shows. So, I was happy to hear that. I realize we're only on the first week of being listed, but holy moly, I'm soooo done with selling.

I feel totally in limbo until this place is sold. It's hard to feel like I can't plan school, or housing, or vacations or work or whatever-- I don't know where I'll be when. Standing still in a horrible dormant feeling is driving me to bite nails and break out. I just want routine. Stability. And direction. It's how I work best-- it's when I feel in control of my life.

So, let's hurry and get a move on (literally) so I can Make The Changes I need to make.


Brandi said...

your kids are pretty stinkin cute!

Jillene said...

I love the second pic of the kids. Hehe!! I am praying that the house sells quickly!!

Grand Pooba said...

"move on" tee hee, I always appreciate those little puns.

Tell your kids to enjoy their time away from school, without driving you crazy of course. You can always send them to utah anytime you need a break. I'm not offering to babysit of course, i'm just saying send em to Utah. tee hee.

Here's to hoping your house sells fast!


Anonymous said...

I love their expressions in the second pic!

Anonymous said...

We sold in 22 days. Maybe 6 showings. And 2 open houses that NO ONE CAME TO! It's all about pricing your house right & not being greedy or stuck on a number.
Good luck!

Unknown said...

i'm crossing my fingers that you get all you wish for, lovey:)

i hear you about the whole keeping your house clean for the "showings". that is so hard with kids!

and their uniforms are kick ass. i wish we had them for our kids schools. that would make clothes shopping way easier.


p.s. wicked headache is taking away my haha. sorry.

love ya!

Mamí♥Picture said...

So happy!!!
Love it!
Have a ♥Lovely♥ Night!!

EmmaP said...

you're IS limbo. but remember, it is different for each homeowner. and maybe your realtor has already considered the market and maybe you are priced just right to move it, move it, move it, and maybe that it why you've had so many showings so far. when i sold real estate full time, i sort of had this rule to thumb... If i've had at least 10 showings a week and no offers, time to figure out why. does it need to show better? does it need to be dropped $2k? anyway...i am sure in your case, it's just a matter of waiting for the right buyers to come along... ;)