Friday, June 26, 2009


Last night we went to the Block Party for the soccer camp that the Baptist church puts on every year. I've put my kids in it for 3 years, and it's a SUPER program! They just rock. I'm so annoyed, however, as this year they're only doing it for the little kids, and the program they're running for the bigger kids is during a week I'm out with Sin and Will's family, camping.

But, that soccer camp is where I met EF years ago. And I'm always afraid of running into her again at these block parties and such. Is it kind of wrong for me to be relieved that she's likely seen the FOR SALE sign on my lawn and now she knows I'm going to be gone?! Half of me expects her to phone me to ask where I'm moving to or something once she sees the SOLD sign. I find that lately I am much more paranoid about running into her unexpectedly. Or, worse, that she calls me or something with the excuse that she has money she wants to get to me (which, yes, she DOES owe me money, but I'm SOOOO letting it go- not worth the phone call.)

There's certain times I find myself more prone to thinking about her- and the soccer camp is one of them. And although I didn't put my kids into the community soccer this year, her daughter and LL were on the same team one year, so when I drive past the teams playing, I can't help but wonder if they're there.

Are her and Steve still together? Last I knew, he was living in the basement. Was that her car? Does her daughter still get on the bus at the end of my street? Do they still live in the house I designed? Is she still using that horrible, semi-abusive dayhome? Is she sleeping with THAT dayhome-mom's husband?! (oops, was that my outside voice?!)

It's an obsession at times. An annoying obsession I'd like to be DONE with. It's not all the time, either, and it goes away. But right now, I find it creeping back in. And I don't like her in my thoughts, as I don't find it productive in any way. I'd like to say it doesn't happen, but I think it'll be many years before time passes and I'll realize I didn't think about her even ONCE. This, in my opinion, is expected and normal. And it's rarer and rarer lately. Which just reaffirms: It will be nice to move away.

On other notes:

Forever In Blue Jeans

I'm joining a year long challenge, created by Carin at Forever In Blue Jeans. The goal is to be in one picture a week, for 52 weeks. Since us moms are always behind the camera, this gives us a chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family. So, click on the button if you want to join in on the fun!

So, here's Week One of 52, me and Mimi and Bear at the soccer camp/block party last night. I think it was a bit sunny! ;)


Alison said...

Knowing that I've been where you've are, I can tell you that it DOES get better and the thoughts do fade away BUT I know that I had to TELL them to go away. All of the "She's" would creep in and I would have to immediatly stop and CHOOSE to think of something/anything else. Alot of the time I would say a quick prayer and get busy doing something else. Not avoiding the issues, just not letting myself be sucked into that vortex of fear, anxiety and pain that 'you-know-who' wants you to be in so you'll be less of yourself. Okay - so I'm chatty today!! Haha :)
And I LOVE the pic idea! reminds me of a recent post where I said the same thing - where's mom?? I'm in :) Have a good one!

Jillene said...

I know how you feel. I do that with a certain someone and I just have to tell my mind to turn off and not worry about it. It gets better--promise!!

Love the pic!!

Unknown said...

I just hate it when you are worried about a social situation that should be relaxing sue to annoying people!

And I love the 52 week challenge. I am so doing that one!!!!

EmmaP said...

um...yes, i read the post. but i am still dsitracted by the "wipe the weiner" button on the side of your blog...hahaha!

ok, now that THAT'S out of my system... can i just tell you a few things? good. they are: 1) that was an awesome outside voice! 2) it WILL get easier as you "cross off" or "check" items. ie, selling the house, making plans with the new person you love, and spending more time with the new person you love, etc... 3)i love the challenge. I probably won't take it, cuz i KNOW i'd fail...hehehe.

btw, can i also just tell you that WILL was so nice to send me a cute little FB message? i think you and I are 2 peas in a pod. and he is smart enough to recognize that, hehehe!

Here's to a GREAT WEEKEND of NO thinking about EF... and if you do, just say (in your mind "EFfin" go away!...ooopsie...was THAT my outdoor voice??? and I would NEVER EVER EVER say that... just so you know)

rachaelgking said...

I do not blame you at ALL- I would be so stoked to move, too! A new beginning will be just what you need.