Friday, June 5, 2009

Free Willy


As of 1:30 p.m. today, the judge should be signing the papers and it's finished.

I'm not quite sure how that works, seeing as the USA does it different than Canada.

Washington (where the divorce is getting granted) state has a no-fault clause, so the divorce is a simple "apply, wait 90 days, be done" kinda thing... At least, that's what we gathered from reading the forms and websites the other day. He doesn't have to go to the courthouse, so, this is all assuming that his ex (who filed the papers) didn't accidentally miss something in the forms (not likely, she's also done this before) and that she shows up at the judgement. Again, not sure what happens if she doesn't... but whatever. We'll worry about that if we come to it (cuz I think having more to worry about will be FUN!).

But, as far as we know,
Today is the day. He and his kids might be heading here tonight for a celebration of sorts. ;) Or, you know, a cuddle and a movie on my couch. Potatoe potahtoe. I'll be sure to try to post a few pictures.

And you know that 'gramma' thing? Yah. That was only to be good while he was married! He'd better take the evening off... if you knowwhatImean! ;)


Annelie said...

Have a great evening!

Unknown said...

giddy. up.


p.s.i'm totally turned on.

Sarah said...

Trust me Debbi....YOU aren't the only one celebrating today :) And no worries on me missing anything on the papers, I had to have them gone over by a lawyer prior to filing them...and DEFINITLY no worries on me missing the 1:30 court hearing!!!! you aren't the ONLY one who's been doing a count down, we just have different reasons for our count downs :)

Oh by the way all Debbi's friends, this is Sarah (Will's soon to be ex) I am happy for you and Will and wish ya'll the very best :) Please give the kids lotsa hugs and love them for me. You are a funny girl on your blog...I hope its not too weird I click on it every once in awhile...totally had to today to see what ya put on here :) Have a fantabulous night cause I know I sure as hell will be celebrating today!!!!

Sarah *the soon to be ex of Will*

Aleecia Cooper said...

crickets chirping.

"Hope it's not too weird" - That's just awkward Sarah. You seem to be trying a tad too hard to be cool about the whole big "D" thing. It's coming off creepy and bitchy sweetie.

I think maybe you should share your enthusiasm on your own blog with your own friends, and not play the "soon to be ex-wife card who wants everyone to hate her ex" so publicly. Nobody is fooled.

JessicaRae said...

I know my Will and I celebrated the day his divorce was finalized - you too are so cute look sooooo happy to have each other in all the photos i see... im so happy for you to have found each other - much happiness and love your way! :D

Rhonda said...

You guys look so CUTE together!

That is sorta wierd that his ex is reading your blog but if you don't mind...hey! coolness!