Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Running Into Things

So, I took the kids out running last night. I figured that I wouldn't be getting much running (or ANY EXERCISE) while I'm with family for the next few nights, so I should take advantage of the 'last night' without houseguests and run. Uncle wasn't home, so with LL and Bear on their bikes and Mimi in the jogger, off we went.

First thing of note: uh, there was a reason I went running after 8. Because, no sooner had I gotten to the end of my cul-de-sac, I was DRIPPING in sweat! It was WAY hotter to run just 2 hours earlier, and it reminded me of why I don't do that! lol

THANKFULLY, the kids did fine. No potty breaks, no complaining. They know the rules so well, and wait at every corner, hop off their seats and walk their bikes across EVERY street. I love that they follow that rule to a T without even complaining or even thinking about it. *pats herself on the back-- yay for teaching them a good thing once in a while! lol*

We're on our regular route, passing some new construction homes. Bear mentions the huge 'mighty machine' and catches LLs attention. She doesn't see the orange mesh set up to warn people of the broken part of the path, and heads STRAIGHT into it, bike and all. Really really funny, but not at the same time. Of course, she's bruised her leg pretty badly, but I was grateful there was no bleeding or scratches. She tells me she's grateful for helmets. lol I don't know how she managed, but it took me a few minutes to try and untangle her bike wheel from the orange mesh.

Then, kisses and booboos taken care of, we continue on our path. The playground is just ahead. This is the playground that is DIRECTLY behind the house we built. The one that EF bought off of us.

As we approach the playground, EF's daughter is there. She comes running towards me, "DEBBI!!!!!!" and jumps up into my arms to give me a hug. I miss her. She starts babbling about everything (swimming lessons, blah blah blah) like she ALWAYS does, and I somewhat continue down the pathway. She says, "You can come over to my house if you want". Funny, for a BRIEF moment, I felt like saying, "you mean MY house!?"... but I didn't. lol Then, she goes, "well, my Dad's home though, so I think you can't come over to my house".
????? interesting.

EF comes out of her backdoor, shouts "Hey stranger!" I wave, and walk over to her gate. She and I ended up talking for about 1/2 hour while the monkeys played at the park. It was a really nice chat, and I saw a few differences in her. In the course of our chat, I did let her know that she wasn't the only one Chris cheated on me with, and I think that made her feel a lot better because she nearly grew an inch after removing what could have literally been a tangible weight off her shoulders. We talked a bit about him, we talked a bit about how I was doing, and how she and her man were doing. And we talked about me taking her kids, which seems to still be happening, it's just now a matter of WHEN?

I find it funny that when I'm not around her, I'm nervous or anxious or slightly annoyed by the thought of seeing her. But once I see her and talk to her, things are perfectly normal. Really. I had to get going on the run before it got too much later, so I told her what her daughter had said about me coming over to her house. I mentioned that maybe EFs daughter knew more about stuff than she thought she did, and they may want to watch what they say because apparently EFs daughter's ears were bigger than they knew! She thanked me for telling her about it. lol I think its' funny. We hugged and I took off on my run.

Got home. Uncle and Kannie were there. Bathed the kids and then sent them to bed, and ended up going for a walk with my girlfriends after all. (hadn't planned on going because I hadn't planned on having childcare!) Although it was a shorter walk, it was still nice.

So, that was my eventful evening of running into situations unexpectedly. Surprisingly, it was really pleasant. Well, except for LL running in the barrier, which, sadistically, STILL puts a smile on my face!! lol


holymotherofgod said...

ROFL inserts evil grin. Yno when I was a kid I probly wouldnt have seen glowing orange mesh either. In fact once when I was young I actually drove my bike straight into a chain (it was across a highschool driveway) that I thought I could duck under. Yeah, didn't make it under. Drove my bike full force at it, tilted my head to the side thinking I would go under it... Gave myself a nice imprint of a very heavy guage chain across my neck that was red for days. LOL! AWESOME!!!!!! Probly some adult nearby watching from their pato deck laughing their a$$ off at me !!!!

Debbi said...

HAHAHA, that's awesome! I would have LOVED to have watched that from my deck.. hahah, can you imagine!? lol

Staccey said...

You have the best way of describing life according to Debbi. I have always loved it and love reading it - I can almost hear you saying it. Luvya - I'll be back next week for 2 weeks - see you then!