Monday, July 21, 2008

Everybody Needs A Friend

So, here it is, another week of regular (cough*CRAZY*) life a la Debbi. Yep, 11 kids each day. This is a new adventure for me, however, since MORE of them are school-aged than not. Usually I handle 11 kids under the age of 5. Today, only 3 nap! Oh the calamity! lol

We did the whole soccer-camp thing again this morning. Which is still, I repeat, the BEST program for the bucks spent! The older kids were this week. EF and her daughter weren't there. I can only assume that means they are not coming, or have forgotten. Either way, it didn't ruin my day that they weren't there. Then again, it wouldn't ruin it if they were. Just putting it out there. No, I don't have a point. lol

Surprisingly I'm not BUSHED today- I only got about 4 hours sleep. You won't believe it, but I'm being stalked! LOL (Hi HotCher-- :P) A girl whom I've never met but reads this blog knows a friend of mine, so she and the friend came over last night to, uh, meet me. :/ Yep. Being stalked. lol Actually it was a GREAT time, with lots of good conversation and it's ALWAYS great to make new friends. I have actually been making a LOT of new friendships in the past few months, a thing I'm truly thankful for! On top of that, I've deepened many friendships, and I have the desire to continue deepening more friendships I think I could really benefit from, and hopefully the benefits aren't one-sided for them either. I think, after everything with EF, I really learned what friendship means to me and the type of friend I need, and the type of friend I WANT TO BE (more importantly).

Being Sunday yesterday, my thoughts are mostly centred on church-related things. For those who DON'T know me, I spend the majority of my day in some sort of religious supplication. Last night, when kids were in bed, I started watching The Passion Of The Christ last night with Uncle and Kannie. I hadn't seen it before, but saw this video on Youtube and thought I'd like to see the entire movie. Borrowing it from V, we started it up (before I was visited by HotCher and her Ally) and a thought came into my head.

It's one thing to say "Jesus died for me". It's more of a thing to say "He suffered in Gethsemane for me, He atoned for me". But to make it TRULY personal is a really interesting thing. Judas, one of his BEST friends, betrayed Him in the worst way possible. Jesus didn't have many friends, so for ONE of them to so blatantly betray his friend to His face, I was humbled to know that *MY* issue was NOTHING in comparison to others.

So, my good friend, Kenneth Cope, (yah, right.. I WISH! lol) has another song that came to mind today. Again, can't find it on Youtube. But the chorus goes:

"Everybody needs a friend that they can count on.
Everybody needs a friend who's true.
Everybody needs a friend who believes in them.
Wouldn't it be great if that friend were you?"

Enough said.

(OOOOH, look what I just found! "BROKEN"! If you didn't read THIS blog entry, you won't know what I'm talking about.. So go read it, then follow THIS link!!!)


mcdltdsy said...

That song totally reminds me of you!!!!!