Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Just Another Day

Yesterday's nerves were for naught- (however you spell that) as EF wasn't there at soccer camp. And neither was her daughter. So, either they missed yesterday, or they are coming next week, or they're not coming at all.

However- my gripe of the day: Chris called and told me some 'totally hot' chick was hitting on him, so he went to coffee with her. They got to talking, and it turned out to be one of my sisters BEST friends. Ew. I'm annoyed. Shouldn't be, but totally annoyed. Actually, I think he only told me because apparently she phoned my sister WHILE they were at coffee, so he wanted to tell me first so I heard it from him and not my sister? At that point, what should I care if my sister tells me? But I think I WOULD be annoyed if he 'failed' to mention it. And then I shake my head- uuh, it's not my business anymore, and I thought you didn't care about this stuff. When I realize I DO care it just annoys me more. HAHA These little instances bother me- and I'm glad to have them. They are one step to help make things easier later on when he gets serious with someone else. No matter what's going on in MY life, or how happy I am with someone new or whatever, it'll be a hard pill to swallow when that happens. I already know he's been with other girls since our separation, and it was a tough thing to hear then! i mean, CUMMON, don't raise your eyebrows-- it was Stampede week-- you've GOT to be serious if you thought he wouldn't take FULL advantage of that! lol

I also booked the boobjob yesterday! yes, you read that TOTALLY correctly. The week-long trip to Utah with my girlfriends is now being dubbed "B@@bapalooza" thanks to Kare. It'll be a riot. Full Van- if you wanna come, lemme know- yes, chicks only. lol August 15th. woot. holla.

August is a month I'm sooo looking forward to. A huge family reunion with ALL my siblings and their families/significant others, one that hasnt' happened in YEARS and YEARS-- like...6? The sucky part about August is that Uncle moves out, and my walking will be DRASTICALLY affected. :( I haven't walked for 5 days, and I'm missing my girls. Tonight???? if it's raining, it'll be disappointing. :( I hope it stays clear in spite of the weather forecasts.


Nikki said...

B@@bapalooza, eh? Too funny. I think I'm at Woodbadge Training 2 Family camp that week. B@@bapolooza sounds way more fun. ;)

genkibond said...

you know,
it's interesting to read what people are going through. I see you every week, and you always seem so cool and together. i guess it is a credit to you to have some craptacular things happen, but still make life what its supposed to be.
i am kind of a shy person, so i probably wont say anything to you in person but, from what I can tell, you rock.

holymotherofgod said...

I should send you some links about the boob job and what to expect afterwards. I'm SO envious! Gah! I had mine booked in March but had to cancel after waiting 35 years to hit puberty =( Oh well another year won't hurt. Give me time to get my body ready like you've done! Woot for B@@BAPALOOZA!