Friday, July 4, 2008

Lord of the Flames?

I had such a good night last night. Once dayhome kids went home for the day, I trekked to Marks Work Wearhouse and attended the first Stampede Dinner of the year. Sin and her family were there, so we were KINDA all gonna go together. She took LL and got there before me, so when I met up with them, LL comes up to me with THIS:

Freeking amazing, eh?! (apart from the smudged part near her mouth-- we DID eat hotdogs, you know) The facepainter there was so super talented-- the faces she did were AWESOME!!!

But, best part of that dinner- I'm standing there talking with Sin and LL, when a get a hug from behind, practically as Sin's like, "uhh, someone's coming up to you". I turn around, and my director from the TV show was standing there. It was SOOOo good to see her again. I think it's hard to explain how close I feel to her, because she was there for HOURS AND HOURS of filming, digging into my life, seeing everything I'm upsetted by, giving me the hugs when I'm sad, or the high five on a good job...she was there. So we caught up on life for me now and life for her. Kinda funny-- here I am again, eating hotdogs and juice in front of her, thinking, OH CRAP- BUSTED. LOL. Took me a second to realize she didn't care.

After, I went home, got the kids into bed, and the girls came over for a bonfire. It was a totally fun, yet relaxing way to have GV night. The bugs weren't really out because it was JUST windy enough, and so we were there until about midnight.

All in all, a good night.


holymotherofgod said...

Mmmm bonfire! I so love a good one. Looks like a good group you got there =)
I can imagine you must have spent SO much time with the producer. Weren't you nervous during the process?! Is everyone (ie Paul, Fred and the producer) from Alberta?

Debbi said...

Yes, the director (not producer) spends so much time with me. Not nervous, no-- after the first few times of filming, it's not hard to ignore the cameras and just be yourself.

Paul is from Edmonton, my director's from Calgary, The producers are in Edmonton and Fred is from Halifax.

Melanie said...

I just found you blog, and you crack me up. Jordan ended up looking over my shoulder to see what I was laughing at. Great Blog