Thursday, July 24, 2008

Scars Fade

I was up 15 minutes earlier today. And I don't know why, but that 15 minutes REALLY made a difference-- I am so sleepy this morning. Now that I've been up for two hours, though, I'm feeling better.

Went for a walk last night, in spite of the 'iffy' weather, thanks to Sin's man who came over to watch my sleeping brood. Normally I walk in a tanktop, so it was a good thing I decided to go with my sweatshirt... As we got to the FARTHEST part of our walk, the rain came down and HotCher's shoes were SLOSHING before too long! ;) We were all little drowned rats by the time we walked through my front door. Took me a while to warm up after taking off 100lbs of soaking clothes! But you know what? A) it wasn't snow!!! (Airdrie got snow yesterday!! WTFreek?!) and B) the conversation is always worth it, last night being no exception!

My girlfriend JUST got her B@@bapalooza done, so I got some REALLY good info from her via internet (she's still in Salt Lake, recouping.) I am a bit afraid- she had to get the lift and the job in order to get the results she wanted. Knowing her, (and knowing me), I'll likely end up with the same dilemma, which really worries me. For one, the cost raises about 2 grand!! AHHH! I really really really don't want to spend an additional 2Gs! But, more importantly, for two... I don't want the "lollipop" scarring. One of my girlfriends got the lift done a while ago and reassures me that the scars arent' noticable.. and I know the scars will fade, but I think I'll be MORE self-conscious about the scarring than I would be if I DIDN'T get the boobjob done at all and kept my 'crappy' breasts. I went online and checked out a bunch of before and after shots... sizes and placements of implants and all that.

Wanna know exciting news? Chris will be served tonight.


Unknown said...

I still can't believe you're doing this! Its crazy. My sister, with new boobs. It actually sort of sounds like a mid-life crisis at age 27. WhhhhhatTtt??? lol

Debbi said...

Marci: remember this part of my blog a few posts ago:::

I *DO* find the timing somewhat funny--
I know people think I'm getting the boobjob because I'm going a bit 'divorce-crazy' like most people do after a breakup. But that's not it. I've wanted this for years! And it's just funny with the timing because NOW I can afford it, and NOW I'm getting divorced. So that's kinda merely convenient.

*Definitely NOT a midlife crisis.

Unknown said...

LOL, I know I know, I just think it sounds funny.

holymotherofgod said...

Ewww poor Airdrie!! What the hell, in July..
And I wish you luck with the surgery. Interested to live vicariously through you =)

The Bullknitter said...

Good luck with the "procedure". Hope all goes well for you.