Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wednesday Ws

Who: Me
What: decided to blog the weekend in pictures
Where: (sitting in front of the computer, duh!)
When: Okay, maybe the 'W's don't work with this! lol
Why: because there's just so much to put. So pictures can say it best.

So, I started with these carpets--- they needed some serious work!!

Uncle and I went to my ward on Sunday because my parents came into town to pick up their new car and drop off the pressure washer..

So Monday I pressure washed the deck, then scrubbed it with this chemical stuff to get ready to stain it.
I had 4 Elders come help me stain the deck, but it started to downpour and the staining couldn't happen. Instead, they did some gardening.

Naturally, I made time for the girls, Sin and V. We went for our walks. And the bugspray in the picture is the BEST part of the photo-- if it weren't for bugspray, we'd have been sucked dry of EVERY drop of blood in our bodies! The bugs on the ridge at night are CRAZY!

I don't know if you can see this-- in the car are about 8 HUGE boxes of stuff from Ikea.
So that I could make this room of LL and Mimi's into THIS:

That Ikea loft bed only took me 7 hours on Saturday! :(
Saturday night I went out for a bite with Staccey. I'm gonna miss ya, girl! :)

And then I got sick! :( I woke up yesterday with NO voice, and today's is pretty scratchy. So I'm working on these... mmmm cherry halls are yummy. I didn't do much on Canada day-- just chilled, mostly, finished the carpets, cleaned a bit, and watched a movie. Took a nap even! woo.

So, yah, carpets are cleaned, deck is washed, bedrooms are rearranged/fixed, groceries are got, and everything's ready for life to begin again today. The kids will be coming home this afternoon. I didn't have TIME to miss them! ;) But I'll be glad to see them again- I'm sure they'll have LOTS to tell me.


mcdltdsy said...

You are looking amazing!!!!! Just had to throw that out there. Love ya

Unknown said...

Cute girls' room! That top bunk looks SUPER high though--someone's going to bonk their heads.Haha.

Love ya!

holymotherofgod said...

My gawd you have had a busy weekend! Holymotherofgod indeed!! Good for you, although sorry to hear you came down with something. Bugs are freakin bad here too, although I guess it is Winnipeg...Can't win for losing- its either sunburn or mosquito bites!! Oy!! Nice to see you posting, I was going to email you a where the hell are you...!!!

Itworksforbobbi said...

That room is so, so cute! My girls' rooms look like mismatched poor white trash rooms :) Nice work on that bed - it would have taken me 7 weeks. LOL!

I have to agree with mcdltdsy, you look amazing!

Anonymous said...

Seven hours is quick it takes me at least that to tie my shoes