Friday, March 13, 2009

Like All Friday the Thirteenths

  • Like all divorces, there's a new 'hang up'.

Chris never took the Parenting After Separation course that we were both supposed to take last summer. I took it, but he never did. The judge has our papers in his hand-

Now we are waiting for him to take that course to be done with it. More waiting.

  • Like all affairs, there's sometimes residual hurt.
Yesterday, I got a phone call. I knew the number on the caller ID- and was surprised to see it was EF calling from work. She said she wanted me to know that Chris called her just now. When I explained that I knew he wanted to talk to her, she informed me that she didn't want to speak with him. I thanked her for telling me right away. It showed some change in her character.

I hung up after a few more words. Shaking. It's too hard to have her in my life. I didn't have the nerve to tell her I needed her out of my life. I just couldn't do it. I don't know how I am going to do that. I've never once purposefully told someone to get out of my life. I'm not that type of person.

Chris called a minute or so after to tell me he tried calling her. By then, I was crying and shaking and not well emotionally. But glad he, too, told me. He says it was the closure he needed. So for that, I am thankful for his sake. I did say I wasn't into talking at that time, though, hung up the phone and cried more. Not out of hurt, but out of bad memories.

  • UNlike all divorces, I have a great Ex.
He called later on in the day. to check on me. To ask if, maybe he could come over and order pizza for me so I didn't have to think about dinner. Asked if I was sure that I didn't want him to take the kids this weekend in case I needed the break. Talked to me about coming to church on Sunday to watch Jeremy's scripture in Primary and how Will will be there. That will be the first time they'll really 'meet' since we started dating. (They first met on the same night that *I* met Will)

Talked to me about my journey to higher spirituality. About meetings I have coming up, and parts of the refining process. He knows I'm sad about it. And was genuinely loving in expressing his sympathies to me.

I have a great Ex.

  • Like all long-distance relationships, I'm excited to see Will this weekend.
I am pretty lucky to have found a guy who gets that, sometimes, I just need a day. A day to be away from the computer or phone. A day to collect my thoughts. A day to digest. Or a day to be sad... maybe even TWO days! I am grateful for that mutual understanding, where I don't feel like I have to apologize for tears over a failed marriage. Even if I know the 'failure' was a blessing in disguise.

I'm pretty lucky that he thinks I'm kinda something sorta maybe special too.


Grand Pooba said...

Wow, this is the first time I realized why you are getting a divorce. Did your husband really cheat on you with YOUR friend? I mean an affair is an awful thing when it is with someone you've never met, but to have it be your friend has got to be just terrible!

I am just amazed at how far you've come! I don't know the timeline of all the happenings, but it sounds like you are moving on with your life.

And you should really tell EF that you don't want her in your life anymore, she should know that.

Wow, great post, I'm glad you found Will!

Tiffany said...

so much pain. I pray for healing for you.

Thanks for your comment the other day on the Global Food Crisis post - we made it to 127 comments!

EmmaP said...

your comments on my "word" post totally cracked me up today!!! and i totally hear you about the divorce crap. My Ex never did take the class... stupid class. Anyway - he thought he could hold things up. So, when I went to the court, and the nice, lovely woman behind the desk told me that she could not accept my 4 final documents for filing, because J.F. (aka JerkFace) had not taken the class, I lost it. I started crying, and shaking, and crying some more...right there. This had dragged on almost a year and this was like another nail in the coffin. She handed me a kleenex, patted my hand and pulled out a blank form. This form, she told me, is to tell the judge why I think JF's attendance to the class should be waived. She told me to be truthful but make it as persuasive as possible; plead my case. So, I did. I wrote all sorts of things... the way he manipulated the kids. the way he hadn't moved out of the house, even up to that point because i couldn't file a restraining order because he wasn't violent and how i didnt have any legal rights to kick him out until the divorce was final. I wrote how he was dillusional, thinking that by still living there a divorce was not happening and that by him not attending the class he was exerting yet another form of control. I told the judge of the duress all of this was adding to the already sad and stressed out children. The judge signed, sealed and delivered my divorce within 2 weeks. JF was shocked. He was out within 48 hrs. He tries to be nice to me now. Yet, I still think it's some way to try to win me back. He had HIS old girlfriend from college - before he & i dated - call me up, invite me to go to the temple with her, and while there, she asked me if there was ever a chance i would consider getting back with him. I said - heck no! she said, "So that door is closed?" I answered, "Closed. Locked. Nailed Shut and Boarded Up."

Hopefully, one day we can be friends like you...

Thanks goodness for men like Will... When I met Big-D, I was so happy that someone actually wanted to be with ME!!!

keep on keepin' on! you are stronger than you realize and if you need to cry, let it go!!! That's what cuddles with new Boyfriends are for!

sorry this was so long. Too bad we dont live closer... we could go do lunch and talk for hours, I imagine!