Thursday, March 26, 2009

If You Fail to Plan

You know how sometimes you make plans?
You know how sometimes that plan is perfect?
You know how easy it is to build off that plan?
You know how, when you've got it all 'planned out', things change?
And how sometimes the new plan is better than what you planned?
And most of all, you know how awesome it is to have people there to help you in your new plan?

This is my life. In the past year I planned so many things. My plans were perfect and I knew I had them all figured out. I had some super, amazing, best friends who were there to help me in my inevitable new plan. I would not have made it through the past year without them, and without my family. Last year's change of plans threw me for a temporary spin. I forgot that I'm not the one with The Plan. And I have seen so many amazing and wonderful things come about as a result of those plans changing without my influence. As a result of trying not to steer my own ship. Every time I tried to take the reins back from the rider, I got a pretty good slap in the butt and knew I had to change direction.

I can't wait for the next year. Seriously. A lot can happen in a year-- I would know. I could treat the next year (March 26th to March 26th) as a daunting, scary time period. Based on some of the tough times last year, I could fret over what events and lessons I will be learning in the course of the year's experiences.

Can every day be New Year's? Because, today I feel like it's a new year of wonderful possiblities. Although my plans are pretty incredible, I hope that what I plan today is not as good as what is planned already for me. :)


Anonymous said...

Ya ..I cant get past the slap in the butt part :).. Sounds like u got a good focus and a great plan.. Very similar to mine.

Annelie said...

I love this. LOVE.

Debbie Jo said...

I love ya Debs! March 26-March 26 Can't wait!!! :D

Wendy said...

It's funny how this happens so much yet so many people miss it. Congratulations, good luck and enjoy riding the wave ♥