Thursday, March 12, 2009


"The honest seeker after truth must learn to find the elusive balance between relying on the intellect and relying on the promptings of the Spirit." -Glen L Pace

yesterday was a day of perfect balance for me. Where I had poor communication with one person, I had a breakthrough with another.

Where I felt peace in one instant, I felt fear in the alternate.
One phone call soothed me, one left me inwardly churning in silent sorrow.
When I felt spiritually downtrodden, I found comfort in spiritual endeavors.

I sat down at the end of the day, stupefied. I think it's amazing how the day was so intricately balanced. How a door may have closed, but a window opened. How nothing was ruined in the harmony of what was to be.

I anticipate the next few days being quite similar. And I am looking forward to it. As I mentioned to Chris today, "feeling the pain is the only way to learn some of the lessons". A ying and yang of trial.

There must be opposition in ALL things. And I am thankful for the perceived "negatives" that help me appreciate the "positives" that much more.


Annelie said...

I really love to see you through this journey, and I'm so loving your thought process through it all. Progress if fantastic.

"I am thankful for the perceived "negatives" that help me appreciate the "positives" that much more"

This is so true! Beautiful thoughts.
Thanks for a great post!

deb@virginia blue said...

Great post, sweetie!
After visiting the extended family for the past 2 weeks, I'm totally feeling the effects of yin and yang. Sometimes it's a good thing to spend some time living how others live, to help one appreciate what one has!

zipbagofbones said...

I'm not exactly known for my positivity...but if anyone could win me over to the happy side, I'm convinced it would be you!

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

A great way to look at those negatives. Very inspiring post, Debbi.