Tuesday, March 17, 2009

They're Pink, right?

I had a kickin' weekend. (does anyone even say that, or did I totally pull a "Mom" and use words I THINK are cool when they're really not?!) Nonetheless, I had a great time with friends, and, sadly, have not ONE picture.

Spending the entire weekend with Sin and her family was awesome. Friday night, we went out to the grocery store with my three monkeys, buying food... oh, and she supported my abuse on my children in the parking lot. That's always a good friend to have! :)

I spent Saturday morning cleaning, doing laundry, cooking food and cutting fruit, just general "stuff" to get ready for the rest of the weekend. Sin's son, who's the same age as LL, was getting baptized, so it was a special day.

Will arrived (Will is Sin's brother, for those who didn't catch that before. Did I even mention that before? Whatever) with his four kids, and he and I took them all to the wavepool/water park.

Um. Go back and read that.
Will and I took SEVEN kids to the wavepool!!!!!!!!!!
Yep. There were moments where I just looked at Will with that, "uh, what were we thinking" look. I may have also done the "I'm so nervous/ I've gone crazy" laugh. I can't remember. I probably blocked out that trauma! On a Saturday, at the pool with every other every-other-weekend parent. Yep. Good times.

Now, Will's kids are older (9-15 yrs old range), and they can swim. LL, on the other hand, CAN NOT. She's like a fish. That drowns. LOVES the water, but sinks to the bottom. Thankfully she didn't drown too badly, and I was able to (somewhat) let go a bit of my motherly fear and let her drown in peace spread her wings.

Bear, my little scaredy cat, had the lifejacket on. Although, he was lucky at times to get more wet than just his ANKLES! He is a fun kid. And clings to Will in a way that surprises both me and Sin. (of course, the men wouldn't notice, but Sin knows Bear, and knows that him clinging to ANYONE is rare). It touches my heart to watch Bear timidly overcome some of his fears. Do NOT ask me about how he 'overcame' his fear of public speaking.... yah. He had to give a scripture in Primary, and refused to get dressed for church because of it. Then, guess who had to give it ANYWAYS?!... yep. Cuz I LOVE speaking into a microphone that's 3 feet from the floor while I crouch down in my skirt with a whiny child beside me, trying to disappear on my lap and somewhat pushing me over so I land showing everyone my underwear my son. Although, Sunday, EVERYONE in my driveway (including Will, his 15 yr old son, and.. wait for it...Will's FATHER AND MOTHER) saw my underwear when the wind carried my puffy skirt up to my neck Marilyn Monroe style. yah. Good impressions die hard. nothin' like flashing everyone my pink camouflage undies to say, "look at the type of girl your son's interested in!"

Oh yah, the pool.
MIMI, bless her annoying terrorizing stubborn Wonderful three-year old heart, was not afraid in ANY way, shape or form of the water. She took off more times than I can count- trying to go down the big waterslide ALONE, trying to go down ANY waterslide alone. At one point, she took off and it was good I was right there to follow her quickly before she was half-way down the slide! She is a handful, but it's awesome.

So, aside from the baptism, some movie time, church, and a walk through the community, it was a great weekend with friends and friends' family.


Anonymous said...

okay, I am laughing so hard at the "wind up your dress" part!

Still laughing...

Jillene said...

I, like Doriene, am laughing at the same thing!! I am glad that you had such a great weekend!!

Debbie Jo said...

**still laughing** oh my!! Debbi - I must see your camo undies!!! LOL

perhaps it must be saved for a girls night. tee hee

Sounds like you had a blast!

Debbi said...

har har-- I had a "blast". It was fairly em-bare-ass-ing.

Heather May said...

Haven't we seen your camo undies already? Didn't you show us how to fold them?

I love love love swimming with kids. I've only had two lifeguards dive in after my kids in all these years, and both times, they didn't need to. It's fun to watch though!

Debbi said...

yes, Heather, but these ones were the pink pair, not the blue ones that I folded in the earlier post.

Kristi said...

As your sister, I can say that you DID pull a 'Mom'. lol. And in Primary I often crouched showing my crotch. So...you're not alone in that. Now, taking 7 kids swimming between 3 and 15, um, very alone. I'd never do that. Don't quote me on that. :P

Since it's Word Verification Wednesday...PUTING: Jerry Maguire's slang way of saying having sex.