Friday, March 27, 2009

Releasing The Unneeded

I made it! Whew. Last day of spring break, last day of a LOT of kids. I'll be grateful for this week when, come April, I'm down two permanent children. So, no complaining, right?

What is great, was yesterday.

I got a phone call from the judge's secretary again, inquiring as to Chris' Parenting After Separation course completion. He takes the course tomorrow, so I informed her that once it was done and the certificate was in hand, I'd get it to her. She said we're also missing one insignificantly pathetic affidavit stating that we're also separated (not just the infidelity clause). So, I will get that done this weekend. Easy peasy. I then asked what happened after that.

She informed me that, it may take about 3 days to process it all, and then she sends it 'upstairs'. I asked what happened after that- like, how many weeks are we looking at? 6? 8? She laughed, and said, "No. Once I process it, which takes about three days, and send it to get signed, it gets signed. Like- Instantly. So, if you take two weeks to get those forms to me, you're looking at two weeks and three days." Wow. Good to hear.

I've been getting my past life out of my current life slowly, a little more each day. I had to 'release' a friendship with a friend of 13 years, but thankfully, they felt as I did. We'll be friends from more of a distance, but it's obvious things are not going to be the same.

Then, I apologized to two people I had wronged. As 'goody two shoes' as it sounds, I admit it was a completely selfish thing-- *I* felt better having done it. One accepted my apology right back, one definitely did NOT. I feel no weight of that anymore. And am happy to have done what I could to rectify the wrongdoing. It's amazing how much weight feels lifted by a small issue. So many things are 'wrong' in our lives, yet we have all the power to change it. I start today rested and ready, and I like that.


Anonymous said...

Forgiveness is such a wonderful bugaboo...

Is it better to give than to receive?
Is it easier to give than to receive?
And who is more vulnerable in that moment? The giver, or the taker? And in the end, how is it that both parties, if they are willing, are freed from a previously unseen bond?

Hmmm... :) Love that I get to be with you for the whole ride, hon. xo

Grand Pooba said...

I am so glad that you settled the friendship issue and will be friends with her from a distance. You definately don't need that reminder in your new life!

I'm so happy for you to move on, I don't know why because I don't know you in real life, but I am truly happy for you inspite of all the things you've gone through.

Keep goin girl!

Anonymous said...

I don't know you in real life either, but its good to see the new direction your life is taking and the positive changes you have made and I wish you the best

Debbi said...

Thanks guys!

Wendy said...

Great post; inspiring through the difficulties ☺

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

So glad to see you are continuing to move on and upward in your new life.