Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kreativity is Kool

I was given this award yesterday from Kelly. She's a doll, inside and out-- if you haven't yet, check her out! Thanks Beauty!

Here are the rules:
1~ I share with you seven things that I love
2~I nominate seven other bloggers for the honour


  1. Sisters. Honestly. They make the top of my list. The ones in my family who make me laugh, who support me...who 'get' me. And the Sisters in my church congregation. The ladies who also support me, who help me when my kids are acting out and I'm stuck at the front leading the music, and who bring meals and help in hard times. But, moreso for the sisters who are there even when it's a GOOD time. I love them. And my daughters-- watching them play as sisters and love each other.. my heart melts. Sisters can't be beat. (oh, and definitely my psuedo sisters, the Ya Yas! ;) )
  2. Sunshine. I Am glad that although I live somewhere cold, the sun still shines. Vancouver is beautiful and warmer than Calgary, but the sun shines here more, and even when it's slushy out like today.
  3. Berries. Seriously. love them. frozen. in yogurt. fresh. mixed. in fruit pooh. yum yum yum
  4. music. I was at a drum/percussion concert this weekend, and I was just fascinated the whole time. It was super cool and entertaining. And I miss my Ipod terribly.
  5. technology. I can keep in touch with friends so much easier. And telephones and computers are handy when you need a pick me up.
  6. Pictures. I'm not a great photographer, but I like having something that catches the moment.
  7. Honesty. I can't say enough about that. Honesty with family, honesty in relationships, honesty with yourself. I have dealt with all three within the past few hours, and can attest to how much HONESTY can make or break a good mood.

The people I present this award to are people you may not have visited yet:

Adlibby- entertaining. And, if you act now, you can be her 100th follower if you love her like I do.
Better Than We Deserve- She makes me feel good about my parenting. It's not just me who hates science fairs ;)
Snarky A - in the midst of adversity, she's funny and loving. A great lady!
Cat- She went a month not spending anything 'extra', and saved nearly 500$! Worth trying!
Michelle- Some incredible photography skills. She is darling.
Cate- The 'owner' of Six Word Saturdays. There's always something fun to read.
Aleesha- Raw diet, yoga lifestyle. I'm loving watching her 'release' weight and feeling healthier.


Jillene said...

Great list and Congrats on the award!!

Call Me Cate said...

Congratulations! And thank you... Working on collecting it right now.

Annelie said...

Congratulations on your award, and thank you so much for mine! Very sweet!
Great list, and I'm always looking forward to reading some new, fabulous blogs, so thanks for that too! :)

Unknown said...

I got a creative award? That is actually kind of cool! I will respond to this after I let my photos simmer for a few days....
and this is a great list. Sisters are the best, aren't they?

Michelle said...

Darling eh? Not sure I have ever been called that before.
I am honored. Thank you!!
I will try and pass this on this week! :)

zipbagofbones said...

This is awesome, thank you!

And the best part? It's free!!

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Congratulations on your award! I have seen a couple of those you tagged (love Snarky and Cate) but I'll def check out the others as well.

Fruit pooh? :)