Tuesday, March 31, 2009

You Decide!

To cell or not to cell:

Why I should:

  • Emergencies, especially when on the road. Seeing as I'm travelling a bit more to see Will on the weekends, sometimes with the kids in my van, and sometimes alone in a slightly unreliable vehicle. Or, when travelling, I'm getting sleepy and want someone to keep me a bit more awake for that last 1/2 hour.
  • Dayhome parents to have 24/7 access to where their kids are, in case I'm at the park or the busstop or we went out for lunch, etc.
  • easier to text a simple "hi" when I don't really want to say anything but that, and don't want to get in a full-blown conversation. Especially when the dayhome kids are noisy and being on the phone won't be conducive to a conversation with the noise in the background
  • To ask if my friend or sister wants something wonderful I just found on sale, but IT'S THE LAST DAY OF THE SALE AND EVERYTHING'S GOING FAST!!, and what colour she'd prefer.
  • because everybody else is doing it

Why I shouldn't:
  • I am always home. So, when someone needs me, they can usually find me here.
  • If I'm not at home, I don't want to be hounded on the phone. I want to be just a mom at Walmart or Beavers or whatever. And, I know that if I don't answer my home phone because I'm on the other line, people will call my cell to try to get me to talk to them. Annoying.
  • More annoying-- people call your cell when they're right beside you. As if that is cool. :)
  • It costs money I don't need to spend. It's another bill. And I'm on a budget. I'm a single Mom.
  • who needs to talk MORE on a phone than I already do? If the dayhome kids are noisy, that's more of an indication they need attention, and why would I want to be on the phone during that time, texting?!
  • Once you get a phone, there's a million other, BETTER phones out there. And all I hear about from people is how crappy their phones are. Inevitably. EVERYONE complains about their phone! Or their service provider. What a headache I don't need to invite into my life.
  • In an emergency, EVERYONE ELSE has a phone! I am not afraid to wave someone down. Or to ask for help... even if that means showing a bit of skin crying for them to pull over! And I'm always on a main road- so, SOMEONE will pass by! AND I can change a tire without help. And I can push a van all by myself. LL could steer fine! lol
  • Worst yet, the cell phone doesn't work on 'country' roads anyways-- no signal. So, how good is it anyways? If I'm near the town, just walk to the town or nearest home!
  • I don't NEED a cell. I'm opposed to indulging on things I don't NEED-- especially ones that are typically 'addictive'. Once you begin to rely on a cell phone, you have to ALWAYS have one. Like a watch. Or a Ripples Potato Chip! (okay, so this last one even had ME laughing on the floor!!! Like *I* am against addictive things!!! lol!)

THIS BEING SAID: everyone is astounded when I tell them I don't HAVE a cell phone. or want. one. And lately, I'm being pressured to get one. (*coughWILLcough*) Of course, he's only worried about me travelling and being safe, but still.

So, Riddle me this. I put it out there, unbiasedly to the blogosphere. To cell or not to cell?


Anonymous said...

I am against cell phones too. However, I do have one. I have the 'pay as you go' plan and so I only pay for what I use. It is usually about $5/month. I do live in the US so I don't know what kinds of plans you would find up there. Glad you are back to blogging, and that you are finding happiness!

Kat said...

Will is right. You def. need one for emergencies. but pick a good plan. YOu can basically tell them what YOU want. make sure you get a free phone as well. We pay 55 a month for both our cell phones. Check if Will could add you on a family plan to his. We have a good family plan and we talk for hours to eachother for free.
And yes I am addicted to it. I cannot live without it.

deb@virginia blue said...

With 3 teenagers, it's a MUST for me to have one...as well as each one of them. The biggest thing for me, when I finally got one, was the ability for them to get ahold of me no matter where I was if they needed me. On the flip side, Big Daddy and I want each of them to have the ability to call us immediately if they ever find themselves in a bad situation.

You may find that it isn't really that necessary for you to have one now while your kids are still younger...especially if you're usually at home and reachable. But if you decide to take the plunge, you could do what we did in order to balance the cost and just GET RID OF your home phone service. With all of us having cell phones, we thought it was just dumb to pay for two phone services. NOW, we never have to deal with Telemarketers, either...

so nice!

Anonymous said...

You are opposed to indulging in things you don't need... like boobapalooza? Get the phone...

Debbi said...

LOL, Anon. That's why I said that last one had me laughing! lol

Call Me Cate said...

I would get a cheap one for emergencies only. Only Joe really has my number so it's more about me having the ability to call for help in an emergency. If I had kids (my own or someone else's), especially in an unreliable vehicle? Cell required.

And honestly? I wouldn't leave my kids in a situation where their care provider didn't have one unless they would be never leaving the building.

You don't need to use it as a social tool but as an emergency tool. I'd totally get one.

Kristi said...

Your pros were stronger written than your cons. Since I got rid of my landline and switched over to a phone, it's been so nice to pay the exact same price and have it on me in case I'm running late. You clearly are not ALWAYS home. If you are out and don't want anyone to talk to you, turn off the phone. Get call display so if it's someone annoying (like me) you decide not to answer, but if it's a dayhome mom, it's much more convenient. BTW I rarely complain about my phone, as compared to other people. I'd agree with the above comments. And...it's a Ruffles chip. :P
ps-sometimes it's easier to say a lil sumfin sumfin through a text or two, especially when you're in the middle of a screaming match.

Debbi said...

haha, sumfin sumfin. I love you Kiki.

Unknown said...

I love mine. Love it. Easy to shut off when you don't want to be bothered, great to handto my son when he is heading out with friends.

I am not a HUGE cell phone user, and at home I prefer my land line, but mine broke and I couldn;t believe how bad I missed it. Go with a cheap one and try it for a while. You may be surprised!

mskaz said...

I CANNOT believe you don't have a cell. That's all I'm gonna say. I didn't know people like you existed!

Okay, I guess I'm going to say more. Get one.

Nikki said...

I have a cell phone I never use, forget to charge and when I've needed it, I haven't used it.

Hope that helps!

genkibond said...

cell phones are part of the information age x-file. We have been brainwashed to beleive that we need to be reachable 24 hours a day. It's a lie. It's really a conspiracy for the government to track your movements. Ooooops, I gotta go, I think they are on to me and I have to keep preparing. I am almost done my tinfoil hat to protect my brain from satellite transmissions.

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

If you've gone without one for this long, why get addicted now? Because it is an addiction... much harder to give up than go without in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Don't do it Deb. I agree I think it is absolutely stupid that people seem to think we have to be reachable 24 hrs a day. Not. You don't need one. Might be nice, but really - you don't NEED it.

Simply: You can't afford it - your money should be going towards other things right now!!

zipbagofbones said...

girl, i cannot believe you dont have a cell phone. even my grandparents have cell phones. granted, they never turn the on EVER, but they have them.

i hate talking on the phone with a burning, firey passion - id rather watch golf than have a 10 minute phone conversation. i am strictly a texter. except with my dad, who still thinks texts are tiny little books in his phone.

i say: GET ONE!

Unknown said...

I say don't bother. If you've been fine for this long without one, then you're fine. I have a cell, but it's purely for emergencies (I mean, I travel on public transit alone in Toronto on a daily and nightly basis!) But it's addicting and you'll feel you always HAVE to have it on, and yadda yadda yadda. They're nice, sure, but soon you'll be attached at the hip with it (literally). I say if it ain't broke don't fix it.

The Bullknitter said...

I have one. Love hate thing. Love it when I'm hopelessly lost and can call hubby for directons, hate it when the kids call on my nights out/meetings to solve their petty differences. Inevitably, when I don't have it, I need it. So I guess I'm a "cell" vote. Just don't give out the number.

Hailey said...

we haven't taken the plunge yet either...but all of your reasons are ones we have considered (minus of course *because everyone has one*).

There are benefits without a doubt but definitely some frustrations that go with it. We'll likely do pay as you go..we don't want to talk on it and nobody will have our number except the school...that's our plan....

Heaven forbid i become the friend who can't sit with you at dinner without holding my cell phone in my lap *just in case* someone phones or texts....TAKE AN HOUR OFF!!! :D