Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Issues Episodes: Why I should Go

I never wanted to date anyone else when I was married to Chris. And don't correct me, I am well aware that I'm still married to him. But I'm talking about BEFORE. Before we separated and before we started 'dating' like we are now. er... like we SAY we are now. Cuz, really, what's the difference of us pre-affair and us now?

Actually. A lot!

big ones.

Before, I never had the inclination to date anyone else. Never thought I'd be happier with someone else. Never wanted to cheat. Never. Marriage was hard, but I was in it for the long run. I worked hard at it. In my way, maybe I was working on the wrong thing. But hindsight, it's a bitch.

And so, when I became 'single' ( you know what I mean by that word) I had to start a different mind-set. In my fear and sadness, I took what rocky, treacherous path laid before me and tried to pick the flowers alongside the road. I looked for the excitement of dating. I forced myself to 'move on' productively. Dwelling on past always kicks my butt, and I didn't want to do that for the rest of my life. For me, and for my kids, I needed to have a positive outlook on the future.

Thankfully, I had friends and others to help with that process. I started to realize that dating someone else had its benefits. I got excited about that idea. SCARED. But excited. I had men who told me they were excited about the idea of me dating too- as they hoped I'd date them. I felt wanted again. I felt worth someones attention. I liked being liked.

And now. Staying with Chris means taking that excitement of dating that I worked so hard to 'achieve' and letting it go. Transferring it to a NEW excitement. But still. THAT other excitement is shelved permanently.

And I'm not sure I'm happy to make that change.

I can't enjoy things I used to. I can't watch movies I love. Or TV shows. Why is infidelity such a huge, prominent issue in what's SUPPOSED to entertain me? It doesn't entertain me. It makes me sad. Two I've seen recently.

Hope Floats
The Wedding Date

I hate living with a constant reminder of pain. With trust issues I never had before. Fear.

I'm not sure that those things will change with someone else in the picture. But it's an option I haven't tried. And I kinda want to.

Besides all this, I like living alone. I hate feeling like the house needs to be perfect or someone will be cranky. If it's MY mess, I can deal. Cleaning other family member's messes (who are over the age of 8) is flat out irritating. I liked eating what I want, when I want. Feeding the kids what I felt like feeding them. No one to raise an eyebrow if dinner was peanut butter sandwiches because I was having a 'take-it-easy' day. No one to complain about not being able to find socks. If I do the laundry of yours, you don't get to get angry when it's not done on your timetable. And not that he gets 'angry'. He hardly even says anything negative about these things. But I know he feels them. I'm smart like that.

I like leaving the house when I want.
I like spending money the way I want.

I had more money with us being separated than I did with us 'dating'.
I had more time to myself when we were separated. Given, I had the kids 24/7 during the week, I had every other weekend to myself. I LOVED those weekends.
Chris suggested keeping it like that (with sleeping in and such) if we're together, but it's different. I feel guilty taking so much time for myself when the kids are around.

I didn't have to report to anyone on where I was or with whom. I feel slightly mistrusted now, for no reason that I can pinpoint. Chris' new jealousy issues are stifling and annoying.

I'm not sure I'm what he needs.


Unknown said...

I would suggest that he is perhaps mistrusting you due to his lack of trust in HIMSELF to remain faithful. When a person is insecure in themselves, they do not feel and accept it from others. Or he could just be trying to deflect attention from himself not being trustworthy and trying to make it seem like you are the one who is acting in wandering ways. Any way you put it, there is A LOT of damage he has done to your relationship. It's a big deal to come all the way back from that. Once a person is unfaithful to their partner the first time, it is easier to do it the next...and even easier after that. Men view sex as sex...simple as that. Women for the most part place an emotional connection on it. That is why men are able to separate sex from relationships...he probably didn't want to leave you and be with EF, he just wanted exciting and "unfamiliar" sex. And he got caught. Married men who cheat usually do so with women they consider "safe". Meaning that the woman has as much to lose as they do, therefore they are less likely to get caught. For EF, I would imagine that the affair was due to a lack of satisfaction and attention from her own husband...and instead of being about sex for her, the affair was an emotional stroking of her ego. She was getting attention from another man and she felt special and desired, more than likely for the first time in years. The sex for her probably wasn't as important as the attention. Whatever way you cut it, it's fucked up and I'm sorry you have to deal with such fucktards. I know you have 3 kids with this man, but you deserve to be absolutely CHERISHED and adored by your partner...stop worrying about everybody else and do what YOU want. Once you are making DEBBI happy, everything else will fall into place.

Gee, maybe I should have emailed you instead? Fuck, when I go off on a tangent I certainly ramble on. Sorry...you can delete my know-it-all shit comment if you like. But I've been there in my own way and have had a lot of time to ponder.

Happy thoughts to you no matter which way you take yourself:)

Beauty of Expression said...

I second what Andi said...and I will add that you need to close your eyes and picture what you would like to see for yourself in a year, in 5 years....what does that look like. What steps do you need to take to get there? Who is in that picture with you in your happy life? I think you deserve to take some YOU time. Chris will be there ..or not in 6 months. Do what feels right to you..on your terms..

Love yourself and the rest will follow.You are a wonderful person that deserves the best in life. Don't settle, or you will never truly be happy.

Unknown said...

Holy crap girl, you have a lot to process right now, but hey, don't push yourself! What's the rush? Slow down and make this choice with time and healing under your belt. I am a big believer in fixing yourself before trying to fix a marriage, a child, any relationship that is important....so take the time to take care of YOU and fix and spoil yourself to death!

Claudine said...

Funny how I'm in the same boat...with the dating scene.
You know my situation and I know yours...and yet I know the one thing that we both need is love for US. No one but ourselves will truly be able to give us what we need. So how bout you and I promise to make ourselves happy first and let things figure themselves out once we've made us feel like "us" again. We're crazy fun happy chicks. Never forget Marlborough Mall. Oh how we hated working there...but the insane antics we did are truly who we are!
Love you and support you 120%!!
I'll be at the finish line waiting for you no matter what!