Monday, January 5, 2009

Will Return Shortly

I will post.
But likely not today.

I have to get the rest of the Christmas stuff away, vacuum the silly tree-shavings that are EVERYWHERE (the price of a real tree), and I have three new kids today I'm getting to know. I have lots to do, and I still haven't gotten my run in for the day. Albeit nap-time and 1/2 the kids are down and out, I need to get things DONE!


I'm here. I'm not ignoring bloggerland. I have so much to say. But I have to find a few moments and now is not then! ;)


deb@virginia blue said...

I'm just so happy you're ALIVE!!!

zipbagofbones said...

Yes, glad to know you're still among the living. Can't wait to hear all the news from Mormon Land.