Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Playing House

My kids are funny.

True, true, every mother says that about her kids at one point or another (I'd hope), but lately these monkeys make me laugh.

They're into playing 'house' all the time. We get elaborate story-lines, complete with costumes and family pets (which MAY or MAY NOT be one of the children!) and we get cars and... well, you name it. Sometimes they're assigned to certain roles, and other times, they get to pick their demise. "I'm the Mom and you're the horribly acne-prone, sarcastic teenage son who likes to eat bread and butter by the pound. And Mimi. you're the dog." Something along those lines, right?

So, the other day, Bear and LL were playing house.

During 'house', they decided to watch a drive-in movie.

They hadn't quite established their roles yet, so they sat in their chairs, watching High School Musical.

Bear looks up at the screen and sees this girl.
He turns to his sister, and declares, "I'm her Daddy."

Chris and I nearly fell on the floor laughing! Atta boy! lol
Reminds me of the Friends' episode I watched on reruns last night.

Watch from 8:11- 9:00


zipbagofbones said...

Sounds like he's got his priorities straight.

Michelle said...

That is hilarious!! Lucky he didn't ask her who her daddy is. You would be in big touble with him lol