Wednesday, July 15, 2009

When Ya Gotta Go...

So, the showing yesterday....

For ya'll who aren't from Calgary, it's been rainy and thundery and lighteny lately 'round these parts. (and, apparently, that kind of weather brings out my inner Honkey tonk-- sheesh, ONE day at the Stampede and my cool quotient is GONE!)

So, yesterday, when the showing happened, I had the dayhome kids with me. We couldn't walk to the park, as it was not only rainy but COLD outside. And so I packed them into the van, and we drove down the street to watch a movie on the DVD player, and wait the hour.

An hour in a parked car with 7 kids is ANNOYING!!!!! At about 10 minutes to the end of the hour, the two three-year olds tell me that they both have to potty. And by 'have to', they mean NOW. In fact, Mimi even suggested that she peed on the grass. Which, not that it mattered to her, was someone's front lawn.

SO I drove home. Usually, the showing only takes 10 minutes tops. So arriving back at the house 10 minutes early isn't usually a big deal. But when I got in the house, there was no indication (business card, lights off) that anyone had arrived.

So I called my realtor, wondering if this was a cancelled showing again. It wasn't, so we were both confused.

All the kids went out to play.
And then all the kids came inside screaming, "They're HERE! The people who want to see the house are heeeeeere!!"

Great. Two minutes of the hour left.

I shove all the kids back out to the van, shoeless or not. Appologizing to the realtor for being in the house, she and her clients watch me pack the van profusely full of children.

I get in the van.
"Everyone in?"

"No. Andrew isn't!"

oh crap.
So I run into the garage door to find Andrew. He's still in the bathroom. (one of the three year-olds who needed to potty) Luckily, he didn't lock the door, so I go in to rush him out.



He has poohed his pants, smeared it all over the toilet seat, down on the floor, IN BETWEEN HIS TOES, and all over himself. And, the realtor and the clients are already IN the house!!!!

I grabbed a towel, wrapped him in it, wiped the toilet with wet toilet paper just to make it LOOK clean (ew. SOOO sanitizing that when the showing is over!) and clean the floor. turn on the fan because MAN IT STINKS IN HERE, and pick up poop-boy and get into the van.

Then I drive down the street, and spend 20 minutes cleaning poop off a child with wet wipes that I keep in the car for emergencies.

I'm sure THIS will be the couple that buys the house, right? ;)


Kare said...

Oh. My. Heavens.

No other words.

Word verification: quactspi
Definition: an undercover duck

Carla McDaniel said...

what craziness!!! :)

Kat said...

Hilarious!!! sitcom hilarious:)

Brandi said...

oh my. thank you for the after-lunch laugh!!

i do feel bad for you though...but if that couple buys the house, what's a little poop sacrifice??

Unknown said...

gosh i have no idea where you get your positive attitude from dude.

i would've been drunk after that the second the dayhome kids were picked up;)


Megan said...

Wow. That is some timing! Sheesh! Thank God for wipes, right? LOL

Grand Pooba said...

Oh. My. Gosh! For reals? That's like something off of one of those family friendly comedies. Ya know, like Beethovena and A Dozen er whatever Kids!

Poop! Ewwww!

Poop is a funny word!

Lynn said...

LOL!!! Murphy's Law.

My Many Coloured Days said...

I am dying for you.

Robert Munsch has a book called "I Have to Go" and I believe the main character's name is Andrew!!!

If this is truly the little 3 year olds name, and all the stars align and this couple buys your home, you HAVE to get him that book!!!

Unknown said...

I thought the story ended when the potential buyers showed up an hour late. Little did I know there was a better part to the story.

Sell house, Sell!

Dorienne said...

Holy CRAP. Good story!

holymotherofgod said...

THIS is why I read your blog.


It's crappy visions like that which keep me going throughout my day!!


Cathy said...

Oh I remember that day.....Sorry, he's getting much better....