Friday, July 3, 2009


Forever In Blue Jeans

So, we're on week 2 of the "Find Mom in Fotos" challenge. I was in a lot of pictures this week, so this one wasn't too tough.Watching the dancing and bad kareoke with D-Jo and a few of our kids. Ignore Mimi's look of sadness, she was having a GREAT time.

I caught Will stealing my camera, so I flashed him a smile. Again, let's ignore Mimi-- simply cuz it's gross! ;)

I'd update you all on everything else, but for once, I have NOTHING to report. YAY and NAY. Yay, because that means life is chugging along at a perfect pace, I'm happy, everyone I love is healthy and supportive, I have food on my table, and my kids are good. Nay because I haven't sold a house yet. And it's currently super messy with the possibility of an open house again tomorrow. But Yay cuz Stampede started officially this morning, which means free meals for 10 days, and, to top it off, it's the weekend and I'm spending it with Will and my kids. What else could I need?!


patty's said...

totally agree, what else can you ask for in life .....????

EmmaP said...

that is awesome. and i am sorry but i love your facial expression... hee hee hee.

Unknown said...

Um, EXCUSE MEEEee......not *everyone* you love is -healthy-. :(

Glad to see you smiling. Love you.

The Bullknitter said...

Yay for Stampede breakfasts!