Sunday, July 5, 2009

Even My Underwear Were Wet!

This weekend with Will was awesome, eventful and full... the kind of weekends worth remembering.

You saw Friday night's date of folding lots and LOTS of laundry. We watched "The Power Of One", which is one of my all-time favourite movies and definitely worth watching if you haven't seen it!Saturday morning we attended a Stampede Breakfast at our new chapel down the street, put on by our community association. During the breakfast, our realtor held an open house, so we were 'out' for the day. Thankfully, there was a fair amount of traffic that went through the house. Good feedback, in general.

The breakfast, much to my shock, was PACKED! I had no idea THAT many people lived around here.... it was a good hour-long wait in line to be served. Good thing we had no where else to be.

Then we ran a few errands, and then Will and I decided to go car shopping. So we spent a few hours checking out 9-passenger vehicles. Which, in case you were wondering, aren't easy to come across. Unless you wanna van like this, which, (Terri, I love you, but) I simply can't do!!!

After a drive to Peter's Drive-In (mmmmm), we stopped back at the house for late afternoon naps. I fed the kids some supper, and Will and I 'dressed up' to go on a real-live date! So, I took him to Open Sesame, introduced to me by Becka and Lena! Thanks sexy babes!

Surprisingly, we got a table right away, seeing as it was dinner-rush hour and stampede week. For those of you who aren't familiar with the Calgary Stampede, it's the 'greatest western outdoor show on earth', and there's millions of people in the city all dressed up like this. And no one finds it odd. True story. That's the beauty of Stampede. But it's a pain because everywhere is filled to the brim with Yahoo'ers and Pardners and scantily-clad Save-a-horse type of girls.

I digress.

So there we are, eating at Open Sesame. It's got a Mongolian-grill type of menu option, so Will and I filled our bowls with our stir-fry veggies and set them down at the grill to return to our ordered drinks. I had clamato juice, Will had lemonade. (and you wonder why this matters?)

I picked up my cup to bring the straw to my lips, and suddenly, I am DRENCHED.

DRENCHED. In clamato juice.

Shocked, I look at my cup, still in my hands. The bottom of the cup, however, was NOT in my hands. It was still on the table! Literally, it's as though someone took the bottom right off with a glass-cutter.

The server was shocked. Will was shocked. I was SOAKED. The server suggests she'll find me another drink...

Thanks anyways, but I think we'll take that dinner to go!

So, they comp'ed our dinner, and gave us a voucher for dry cleaning of BOTH of our outfits, as Will also got a bit on his clothes.

Red. Tomato. Juice. ALLLLL OVER ME!!!
front view... not too bad, right?

"Rear" view- I look like I wet my pants! Click for full effect! LOL!

We headed BACK home, changed, and headed back out. But this time we went to watch the sun go down, and ate in the van, laughing about the events of the night.

After 'dinner', I took him out dancing, and we were back to take the babysitter home by midnight. We're so old! :)

Today was the dedication of our new chapel.
It was AWESOME to walk to church this morning, it was awesome to see some friends from other wards, it was REALLY awesome that Sin saved us a pew in the chapel and NOT on the metal chairs in the gym, and it was awesome to sit with Will beside me. It was NOT awesome to get a migraine before the opening song was even over. The building is pretty, and I am grateful to have the privilege to attend there each week, albeit not for much longer. *cue house sell NOW*

It has been a wonderful weekend full of memories, laughs and intimate cuddles with my man whom I love to pieces.

This weekend
I. Feel. Truly. Blessed.


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh---after you got all dressed up!!! How frustrating!! Good compensation though.

Cute outfits, though!! Love the shoes you were wearing that evening. And that shirt you wore to's SOOOO flattering! (well, except nothing looks 'flat'. ;P)

Love you!

Suze said...

Believe it or not, I've seen the "glass splitting from the bottom" before. It's the trippiest thing ever. I'm sorry that I literally LOL when I saw the pictures of the back of your pants. All I can say is when your man still loves you after you've wet your pants.....HE'S A KEEPER!

Good luck on selling your house!

RaeRae said...

i appreciate the advice, i'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. i WISH i could post the whole real story on my blog, but for various reasons, that's not possible right now. so the whole best friend thing is a lot more complicated than it sounds.

however, it looks like you had a fun weekend!

Unknown said...

your butt looks good.


Kevin K. said...

Will is probably the luckiest guy ever.

Oh, and don't think it's because he's with you. I don't mean it that way. So get over yourself. Geez.

No, I mean that when *I* was with him, the movie screwed up and we got free Imax passes! Now, when *you're* with him, you get free dry cleaning *and* Open Sesame.

Keep him around if only for the free things that accompany his presence.


Anonymous said...

The big van isn't that bad. You thought you would never drive a mini van either and now look at you! Besides at least you can carry everyone in the same car legally. Just don't get the ones that beep up when you back up. ;)

Looks like another amazing weekend.
Love ya

Anonymous said...

I love that family pic at the end! Beautiful!

I cannot believe the bottom of your cup fell out??!! What the??!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Marci (and Debbi) but I have to be honest.....that shirt does nothing for you and is not flattering at all!! Of course I would never tell you that in person and am sheepishly hiding in this post and you obviously like it but lemme tell ya honey...that shirt has got to go!! UGGGGG.


Good luck on the house, kiddo. And props to getting the free stuff too - cheap dates rock.

EmmaP said...

um... i am sooo glad that you were not wearing WHITE pants. cuz, um... then it would have looked like you had just given birth and not simply peed your pants! lol!

nice new ward building. and you and will are so cute! what about a suburban? how many do those hold?

Grand Pooba said...

Oh Deb, Deb, don't you know you shouldn't be drinking tomato juice? Well, I hope you learned your lesson!

Cute pics!!!

Unknown said...

An hour wait for breakfast? How did you kids survive? Those were probably the best pancakes ever!