Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Checking in, checking out.

So, today is gonna be one of those OHMYGOSHWHEREDIDTHEDAYGO type of days! I'm taking off with ***my future husband** (squeal of joy) and the in-laws camping tomorrow, but I have a MILLION things to do today to get ready: laundry, packing, cooking, cleaning the house so it can get sold while I'm gone, calling the realtor, calling a few friends, hopefully celebrating the purchase of a new home Will bought, making wedding plans, watching kids, getting passport photos done for the kids.. all this withOUT my ring (which Will took back to get sized, and possibly exchanged for Palladium, as I'm allergic to gold)! :(

Last night Will and I took my kids to Costco to buy food for the week. For ALL 9 of us. And let me tell you, it was hilarious. We bought 9 loafs of bread!!! Bought 2 jugs of milk, spent 20 bucks on BREAKFAST cereal!! Spent a fair amount of cash, and we're ONLY camping until Sunday! It was a lesson on reality; that once we're married, we'll be doing this on a regular basis. yikes. lol

I'll be out with everyone until Sunday, after which, Chris will meet us half-way and take my kids and the van camping with his family for the week. I still have to work, so I'll be back Monday.

Until then, friends, I'll miss reading all about your lives, but I'll catch up with ya next week!!!
Just pray that the thunder and lightening storms ease up this week-- I'd LIKE to play outside instead of all of us crammed into my borrowed sister's trailer or my tent for 5 days! yuck. (and by borrowed sister's trailer.. I mean I borrowed the trailer, not the sister! )


Anonymous said...

I'm very excited for you- congrats you deserve it!- I feel ya on the whole buying milk thing- we go through 4 a week- i'm sure yours will be lots more- but how fun- big fams are awesome

Grand Pooba said...

Good thing you explained that! I was wondering why you would have to borrow a sister!

Have fun you crazy girl!

deb@virginia blue said...

have a WONDERFUL time!!


Jillene said...

I hope that you have a great time!! And YAY for --Future Husband--WHOO HOO!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow that sounds like fun! Good luck with the prep!

EmmaP said...

so no blackberry or ipohone or anything with which to read blogs on this camping trip? wow! that IS roughing it, isn't it! oh... and don't forget to pull the whole, "i-just-saw-a-snake-in-the-woods-Will-you-please-walk-me-to-the-restrooms?"-when-you-want-"alone"-time routine. heheheheh!

Megan said...

LOL I was going to comment on the "borrowed sister's trailer" but you beat me too it! :0P

Have a great time!!