Monday, April 6, 2009

Out Of The Mouths of Babes

1. What is something Mom always says to you?
LL: Not to be mean to everyone
Mimi: Jesus Makes our bodies nice
Bear: Do your homework

2. What makes Mom happy?
LL: listening to what she has to say
Mimi: Laugh
Bear: Cleaning my room

3. What makes Mom sad?
LL: hurting other people's feelings
Mimi: When make blood
Bear: that she lost Daddy

4. How does your Mom make you laugh?
LL: pulling her pants down a little bit, and pulling up her underwear
Mimi: Tickle Me
Bear: Being silly

5. What was your Mom like as a child?
LL: sucked her thumb
Mimi: cry like a baby (*insert crying fists on eyes here)
Bear: funny

6. How old is your Mom?
: 28
Mimi: 4
Bear: 28

7. How tall is your Mom?
LL: 2.5 feet
Mimi: Big big big
Bear: I don't know

8. What is Mom's favorite thing to do?
LL: talking on the phone
Mimi: go to work
Bear: clean the house

9. What does your Mom do when you're not around?
LL: Watch over dayhome kids
Mimi: walk away
Bear: watch dayhome kids

10. If your Mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
LL: because she's a good singer
Mimi: for walking far away, far away
Bear: I don't know

11. What is your Mom really good at?
LL: wiping Mimi's butt
Mimi: going happy
Bear: cleaning the house

12. What is your Mom not very good at?
LL: fixing the washer
Mimi: Peoples
Bear: wiping Mimi's butt (har har)

13. What does your Mom do for a job?
LL: Watching Dayhome kids
Mimi: go to work
Bear: Watches Dayhome kids

14. What is your Mom's favorite food?
LL: Pizza
Mimi: Cheese Balls
Bear: Pineapple

15.What makes you proud of your Mom?
LL: how she helps me
Mimi: Happy
Bear: I don't know

16. If your Mom was a cartoon character who would she be?
LL: Beauty (and the beast)
Mimi: a person
Bear: Cinderella

17. What do you and your Mom do together?
LL: laugh a lot
Mimi: family prayers
Bear: play

18. How are you and your Mom the same?
LL: our hair
Mimi: we're both big
Bear: I don't know

19. How are you and your Mom different?
LL: I don't have pierced ears
Mimi: nose and hair
Bear: I don't have glasses

20. How do you know your Mom loves you?
LL: gives me hugs
outside in the temple (yah, no clue, but that was her answer)
Bear: kissing me


genkibond said...

so, which answers are the right ones?

EmmaP said...

i love interveiwin the chillens. except when i do it now, they say, "wait a minute... is this for your blog?" and then they won't do it. argh. Oh - and I love that your favorite thing to do is talking on the phone... hahaha!

The Bullknitter said...


Carla McDaniel said...

that was cute...

Kat said...

Aww! I loved it:)

Grand Pooba said...

I love what kids say!

Nikki said...

LOL. So cute. I don't want to ask my kidlet what I'm not very good at. I might get the same answer as Mimi.

LCO's said...

Ha Ha Iyour daughter has no nose and thinks you walk away all the time. That is so cute, and props to anyone who is good at wiping butts. I have not yet acquired this talent.

Debbi said...

haha, I know, Orr's, I thought that too. According to Bear, I clean a lot. I mean, I'm even Cinderella!

According to Mimi, I walk away. LOL

But, only ONE kid said I was good at wiping butts. The other one (who was trying to be funny) said I wasn't good at it! So, apparently, I haven't acquired that talent either! :)

Rhonda said...

Emma sent me!

I feel a connection already. I'm a master butt wiper! (six kids)