Monday, February 16, 2009

One Year "Suck"iversary Today

Sorry, followers (and any lurkers out there).

I am not in the mood lately.
I cried much too much this weekend.
I am angry and hurt and reliving it all.

It's part of the process. The ups and downs.

But I have received a blessing. And had some peace. And cried. And learnt and grew and reflected.
And I will be fine in a day or two. Maybe in an hour or so, even.
Who knows.
I just know eventually I'll write. I'm sorry if you wonder where I am. (I know, how narcissistic of me! lol)


Unknown said...

Take the blessings when you can...and draw upon them when you feel you are without.

I'm just home from the weekend, but I feel the need to give you a happy squeeze...I think of you, and I am hoping the peace is just the beginning.


deb@virginia blue said...

I love you, sweetie!
I wish you were coming with me for the next 2 weeks...we could both dance our blues away on top of a table!!

Just know that I'm always thinking about you, my honorary YaYa!


genkibond said...

It has taken me 44 years to figure this out. I am still not good at it but, it's 3 words that are changing my life.

"Let it go"

My habit is to keep holding on to pain and hurt. It has been sooo hard, but I have been trying to learn to "let it go". It has given me a sense of peace where there was turmoil.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about anyone but yourself. Cry some more, get mad a little, don't hold it in. I've got you in my prayers.
