Monday, February 2, 2009

Fragmented Sentences

I should blog.
I should talk about the conversations I've had in the past few days.

The lack of sleep. The tears. the hilarious conversations. everything.
There's just so much to touch on- conversations with people I've never met who can understand so much about my marriage and me. Who help me to see things from a different, yet understandable view.
Conversations with people who make me laugh. or cry. or think.
And lots of conversations with Chris. so many things. so many.
I'm working on not many hours of sleep. Since Thursday, I haven't gone to bed earlier than 3 am!

I could talk about Friday when EF brought her kids over. And I was working on 2 hours of sleep. And I wasn't ready.

I wasn't ready to see her drop off her kids again in my home. I really want to be, but that day, it wasn't happening. She leans in for a hug. And I think that I'm not a 'friend-hugger' on the best of days..and today... today I didn't want to hug her at all!~ I just couldn't wait for her to pick up her kids. Not because of the kids... not at all. But because then I knew she was gone for a month. Like today's holiday, I could hide away for 6 more weeks. I wouldn't have to see her again until March.

I could talk about my date with Chris on Saturday night. How much fun we have when it's just us, out, together. And how, even with that, I still don't feel good to commit 100% to staying with someone who's willing to work on so many things. Maybe I'm the one who can't change my spots?


deb@virginia blue said...

huggy huggy hugs!
we've been going to bed around the same time...does that mean we're sleeping together?

hang in there..


Jillene said...

I go to bed at a decent time but I seem to wake up every mroning at 2 and then again at 5. I don't fall back to sleep for a long time either--BLAH!! Hope you get some sleep!!

Unknown said...

Us girls don't change our spots as we get older...we grow them. Akin to balls; we simply get tired of not living our truth. And we just need to love ourselves, and respect our needs, wants, and dreams. People change dude...just as you think Chris has, so have you. Life molds us into shapes that sometimes we don't want to be...what can you do? And by the way? You're freaking gorgeous. And totally worth it.

word verification: amenicso

definition: what you say to "icso" after you say a prayer.

Debbi said...

Debilyn- ha! Wouldn't Craig's head swim at THAT thought! lol

Jillene- thanks! I hope you get some good sleep too!

Andy- you flatter me so. Thanks.

Unknown said...

HOLY CRAP that's a hot picture of you guys. (And I'm not referring to the driving picture. :P)

Just try to get more sleep, babe.

Our Family Adventure said...

Lovely. Love it. And that picture. Um, WOW! ;o)

Debbi said...

Thanks, Marci and Alicia. It was taken just before Christmas, and it's my favourite one of us together.

now I'm off to take nap, as you suggest, Marce.

Michelle said...

Hang in there. You'll make it through.

mcdltdsy said...

Great couple... amazing photographer..who could ask for more?!!

Love you and you really need to get more sleep. I can boss you around. I'm older and I'd like to say wiser but I'm not too sure if that would be accurate :)

Debbi said...

hahah, wasn't the BABYSITTER the photographer? lol This is the one with all four of us! lol

love you too. And you're right. I'm working on it.

You're much older, yes! But definitely wiser!

RaeRae said...

thank you for the comment!

i haven't been going to bed until around 4am lately! lack of sleep kills