Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Phat Tuesday

It's Shrove Tuesday. Yep, Pancake Tuesday. Although I'm not Catholic, I remember 'celebrating' pancake Tuesday in my family.

Another word for "Pancake Tuesday" is Fat Tuesday. Hence, Mardi Gras. (yes, I learnt a few things from my parents' recent return from New Orleans.) Mardi is french for Tuesday, Gras is french for Fat. I am now declaring that Fat Tuesday is now becoming PHAT Tuesday. Because, in spite of my rotten day yesterday, today is a new, better day. And it reminds me of a talk in church on Sunday from my Bishop.

He quoted a General Conference address from Thomas S Monson... in order to find joy in the journey that is life, we need to have a heart of gratitude.

So, today I seek joy in the religious way. What better day than Phat Tuesday!? (I know, I know, NOT Catholic... but whatever)

If Joy = Gratitude....

I am thankful for friends, family and all the 'regular' thanksgiving-post listed things. But let's go a bit different. What makes today joyfully Phat?

Uh- THESE!!! How are these babes not the Phatest dayhome kids ever!?

And having the laundry DONE. That's a huge (FAT) chore, and I'm sooo relieved when it's done. For a day.

And, definitely, cleaned bonus-room carpets are Phat!
And especially THIS! Oooh, I am LOVING my new couch. No more torn cushions, no more 'fluff' everywhere, no more spills. Leather, easy to clean. Smells yummy. .. you betcha- It's TOTALLY Phat. The only issue- it's too 'fat' for my configuration. I still have to find room for THIS. And I have to find room for THIS somewhere in the house too!

Speaking of which, wanna know what's NOT Fat? Me. My scale is moving slowly in the right direction again. I can't tell you how stepping on that scale yesterday to see GOOD NEWS made my evening soooo much better. It's a simple joy I will take with relish! Nope, not FAT Tuesday. PHAT Tuesday.

I have joy in these things today. I do NOT have joy in the 7 miles I have to run today *on the treadmill--- WITHOUT my Ipod!*. But I have joy in the body that CAN run 7 miles.


RaeRae said...

i am absolutely LOVING your couch :)

Jillene said...

I love Phat Tuesday!! And I also love your couch!!

Marci said...

Fantastic couches!! Love love love!

Annelie said...

I also love your couch, and I love the "grateful heart"! Great post :)