Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Eenie, Meanie, My knee, Mofo

So, I'm trying to figure out when to run the marathons and which ones to run. I made a goal to run two marathons this year-- one in the spring, one in the fall. After every run, my knees hurt, but it makes me focus on something, and keeps me in shape and feeling healthy. So having two this year is a good way to stay 'focused' during the summer too.

Nashville is out. Mainly because this month went to pot in the running-department! I had too much emotional shtuff going on that made running just fall by the wayside. And missing a day is SOOO not conducive to training for a marathon.

So, I start where I 'left off'. But that is a few weeks later, so hence, a later marathon. Not to mention that GETTING to Nashville is kinda tough without a passport and while I'm single-momming it, trying to work..etc.


There's a few other marathons/runs to be part of. The first one, The Vancouver Marathon. Held the first week of May. And the route goes RIGHT BESIDE my sister's house. So I get to sneak in a visit with my sister's family, and with friends, and with a bunch of other people I love. And it's easy to get there, and fairly cheap. No passport needed! ;)

Second, there's the Cardston Half-Marathon. Which, even if I do the Vancouver full, I can do the half a few weeks later-- right? And getting there-- uh, it's only 2 hours away. And I have family there anyways.

There's also other, local marathons coming up but I haven't looked into many.

In the fall, Toronto has a few marathons I'm considering. The Waterfront one is really appealing-- flat and scenic. Or there's the Goodlife Fitness one in October. Either one lets me visit my OTHER sisters and friends in October/September. Getting there is do-able. Still mostly cheap. Taking the time off is tougher.

Now to COMMIT!! Running during the day doesn't happen usually, so I need to figure out when to get the training in. I'm working 12 hour days, so before work isn't usually feasible either. Gah.


Unknown said...

Yes yes! I vote the Goodlife Fitness or Waterfront one. :) You can totally do it! I don't believe I can do it with you, but I'll most certainly be there cheering you on!. You're awesome.

Love you.

Jillene said...

Yeah for running. Boooooo for big boobs. I need to find a better sports bra or something cause the girls are causing some issues for me!!

Call Me Cate said...

My husband's working his way up to his first marathon this year and finding the time to train is difficult when you work so much. I think he's going to do his third half in March just to keep himself moving forward.

Good luck!

Vanessa said...

I know what you mean about finding the time to run...
I realized shortly after I started training, that most of my runs would have to be in the evening, and I just didn't have the energy for that. It's still something that
I'd like to try again, maybe when I actually have my mornings back...until then, it's gym classes (yoga, rpm)- which I love anyway. :)
You have WAY more drive though than I did though, so I'm sure you'll be able to work it out!!

Anonymous said...

I've done the Vancouver one and it is awesome, and beautiful. Just prepare for rain if you go. I'd totally say go to Van and run it.

Annelie said...

I am so impressed with you right now! I've been thinking of doing something like this for a while, but TWO in a year, wow! Good for you!

Good luck!

And Jillene, have you tried Enell sport bras? They are fantastic!

Grand Pooba said...

I can't believe you actually want to run a marathon! That is just so crazy to me. Last summer my goal was to run a 5k, that's about as far as I go!

GuppiesGalore said...

YAY!!! Come to Toronto!!!! If you do, we have to visit. WOOT!

Claudine said...

Oh I would LOVE it if you did the Vancouver Marathon..maybe...just maybe you or I could meet up! Let me know the route because if it's close by I'll come cheer you on!

Hope to see you soon!!!