Monday, December 15, 2008

My Christmas Letter

It's the week before Christmas,
I'm getting out the 'poem'
to tell you what's new
in my slovenly home.

No envelopes needed,
no buying of stamps.
No, this year's ol' faithful
is FULL of revamps.

Oh, don't think that this one
is same as the last;
for this is the year
I don't give a rat's.....!

Just kidding. No blue air.
(See, I've learned some new phrases)
In fact, I've learned TONNES!
Let's all sing blog praises!
Besides, we're not mentioning rodents or mighties.
Or surprises I find when I'm checking kids' di-dees!

Okay, January was chalk full of fun!
I met the X-weighters. All seven of them.
(okay, so there might have been
only us five.
But the meter matched "se-ven".
*insert word-ends-with-"ive"*)

But the next month, oh baby,
is brim-filled with kindness.
When EF's lovely hubby
told me of our blindness.

I must confess, February's kinda a blur now.
No sleeping, no eating. But I made it! not sure how.

So onwards and upwards
to March through to May.
Come counselling at night
come working by day.
Come friends through each tear
come anger and hurt.
Come dealing with pain
and a whole lotta dirt.

But May brought the episode
all were tuned into,
With flame-special pants,
I told tales of my milieu!
I left makeup on Fred,
I left P'rogies with Paul.
And Chrystal can shove it.
Her 'self-help' and all! :)
But the best things I changed
were the pounds on the scale
and an outlook on life.
It was worth the travail!

And then May, as our "trial
month" came to a close
I sent Chris from the house
for a concrete repose.

I walked and I walked
with my girlfriends each night.
We'd laugh and we'd cry,
and make everything right.

My favouritest month, though,
was August, by far!
All my family together.
And nothing bizarre.
(well not counting my siblings,
cuz let's be honest, we ARE!)
Then off for 'vacation'
and road-trip to Utah.
For some LDS sightseeing,
and B@@bapalooza.

*sweet, I can't believe how those last two words rhymed.
You'd think that I planned that. Yah baby. Well primed!*
And Uncle moved out.
Which was not quite well-timed.
Time away from my walking and girlfriends just CLIMBED! :(

Then, back to AB for some work, school and play.
The whole month was over. The next on its way.
As Chris and I spent just a little more time.
Apparently, to be apart was a crime.
We're a wonderful pair,
so we dated a bit.
And we're still fig'ring out
if we two can 'MAKE IT'.
We're both in the midst of some "figuring out".
But so far, we work well, and we live without doubt.

We took in a friend who we feel was in need.
And, about that decision, QUITE a few disagreed.
A million more comments came out of the fray,
from family and friends. For the others? can't say!
Anonymous people from far and wide
gave opinions aplenty. I laughed, and I cried.
Perspective is everything. And nobody died.
And my household was fine with what I did decide.

Off to Banff for a birthday,
lots of fun to remember.
And before I knew it,
we're into November.
A quieter dayhome (the full-time kids moved)
but at least the status of my 'marriage' improved.
(Although, in this "newness",
we both feel much like rookies.)

Then I spent many weeks
making myriads of cookies!
And the eighth cookie party went off with a breeze
and we've many a cookie tucked in the deep-freeze.

And low and behold, here we are at the end.
Abasking in cold, but kept warm with good friends!

Good riddance to 2008,
dare I say?
If I never go through this again,
that's okay!

But I'd miss out on all of the learning this year.
And for 2009, I have not e'en a fear.
What I learned? Well, no matter what's thrown in my way,
SOMEONE from SOMEWHERE will have SOMETHING to say! ;)
So, I'm keeping it honest.
I loved year 'Oh-Eight.
And hope that the next one is simply as great.

And the theme of the year? Where's my marriage now at?
Will it rise to the top, or just simply fall flat?
Let's hope 2009 holds the answer to that!

Merry Christmas!
Good New Year!
And all of that stuff.
Now I'm off to drink eggnog and clean.
In the buff.

(dont' picture that, though.
I may be "X-Weighted"
But I have not ran the day's miles
for the marathon slated)
So maybe I'll be better off in my footslog
than trying to think up some rhymes for the day's blog!


Anonymous said...

Love it, chickster... yet another reason ILU!

zipbagofbones said...

AMAZING! Seriously, I'm super impressed. And, as a newbie to your blog, I kind of got caught up on the earlier parts of the year. Very succinct! Bravissimo!

Unknown said...

You are so awesome! Seriously---amazing!! I love you!

Carla McDaniel said...

i loved it!!!!! you are toooooooo talented in the poem writing.

how's the training coming along??? i may not be there with ya in body, but in spirit i am cheerin' you on!
luv ya