Friday, December 12, 2008

It Just Snow Funny!

("On the other hand, the neighbours keep planting nice, big trees next to us")

("Eggplant Casserole tonight?" "Why, Yes!")

("First she says go out, now she says come in!")

("Snow Sharks?" "That guy's a goner.")

("Mom and Dad don't value hard work and originality as much as they say they do")

("You have to admit, it's slowed down the traffic on our road.")

("You don't like my 'Snowman House Of Horror,' do you?")

("I think we'd better get that kid to a psychologist")

My friend, Genkibond, reminded me of the simple joys I draw on in cold, blustery, yucky, slushy days. With running in the snow, I'd like to be able to draw back on images like these to make the run that much more enjoyable.

I mean, you could all learn my routes, and then set up 'mock' scenes (as seen here)

and periodically change them up each week so I don't get bored of the same ones.


I should invent something like the Ipod, only, like glasses. Where you can run AND watch a movie/scenes. I'd upload Calvin and Hobbes like candy! OOOhh-- Happy Candy Friday!

I've found that I have a way better run when I'm distracted from the PAIN ALL OVER by something good on the TV. Of course, this is because treadmill running is BRUTALLY boring! And Dora just doesn't cut it ALL the time!!!

I'm really really hoping Santa brings me an Ipod for Christmas. I have used Chris' in the past, but he changed all the settings, and now my cool country music, my rocking religious tunes, and my stellar showtunes are no longer on the playlist. geesh, how rude, hey? ;) So yah, if Santa doesn't get one for me, I will splurge for myself and get one Boxing Day. I can't run an hour and longer with my own THOUGHTS!! GAHHHH!!! kill me now!! Can you imagine how crazy I'd be at the end of this training!?!?! Tired, sore, sickly thin (here's hoping), out of breath, and having 5-hour long conversations with myself! yikes! And you thought I was crazy already! I'm not crazy. Yah, right. You know, nobody asked you. Well, nobody else wants to tell you the truth to your ugly face. Oh yah, jerk? Take THIS!!!


zipbagofbones said...

I got an Ipod last Christmas for this very purpose, and one of the armbands to put it in, and one of the Nike sensors that work with your Ipod for training, distance, calories, etc. Then I quit running.