Saturday, December 13, 2008

Presenting: The Presence amongst the Presents

Getting in the spirit of Christmas this year has eluded me.

I mean, I am fully immersed in "Christmas." I've attended party after party after incessant party. I've done the baking, the planning, cookie-exchange. I've done the shopping, the sorting, the sneaking, the wrapping, the hiding. I'm decorated. I'm singing the songs. I'm watching the movies.

What else!?!

Something isn't 'there'. As the title to this post suggests, there's presents everywhere. But the TRUE Presence is missing.

So, I have less than 2 weeks to 'get it'. To find the spirit I need and desire. That "Christmas spirit". The reason for the season.

And I couldn't be more excited.

I'm going to do the 12 days of Christmas with my kids. I did "Pixie-ing" with my family my whole life (that I remember) and it was always the best thing!!! I want to make sure my kids feel the spirit of Christmas too. I'm going to stop watching "Frosty the Snowman" and start watching more "It's a Wonderful Life". I'm going to turn off the dance music on the radio, and tune into the all-Christmas station. I'm still doing the parties and the presents/ the wrapping and the "rapping". lol But I'm adding the memories. The skating. The giving. The photos. I'm adding Christ.

I missed the First Presidency's Devotional a few Sundays ago. :( It's beautiful music by the MoTab, and great messages of the season. LDS or not, you should listen. I did yesterday. I get to see my sister, Marci, my parents, and my other sister, Terri today!! I haven't seen M since August, so that's really exciting to pick her up from the airport today. Then Chris and I are heading to an overnight Christmas party. (AGAIN!)
Then, my mother is doing a large Choral Cantata on Sunday- and it's always filled with AMAZING music.

*sidenote: if you don't know my mother, she's one of the most talented musicians you could know! She's kinda a female "Mr. Holland's Opus" type-- can turn ANY group of singers into miracles! So, if you're in Lethbridge Sunday night, come listen to some FANTASTIC musical selections. EVERYONE is invited!

These two things (the devotional and the cantata) are part of my Christmas. So I am happy to have those.

I told Chris I was doing this for the next 2 weeks. FULLY immersing myself in the Christmas spirit. He teased me about 'torturing' the rest of the family for the next two weeks because of my over-enthusiasm. But he smiled and, because he has an AMAZING 2 weeks off work (which NEVER happens!) he's actually looking forward to spending the time making those memories too. But I need my kids to feel it too. To really 'get it'.

This is one year where I want to end it on a high. And at peace. To end the year half-fulfilled would be a detriment to everything I've overcome this year. And I won't let that be for naught.

I'm open to suggestions for how to further my quest for the season! (keep in mind, I still have a dayhome to run, company arriving in town starting Monday through to Friday, Beavers/Guides, school concerts, ward parties and all to still attend, and it's supposed to be BRUTALLY cold here next week-- so, things I can do in or around the house, things I can watch/listen to on Youtube or TV or other activities you can suggest are GREATLY appreciated...).


GuppiesGalore said...

A little known fact...the 12 Days of Christmas are traditionally celebrated AFTER Christmas and not before, like many do. :)

Debbie Jo said...

I started a new tradition with my family this year. I made a paper chain, and on each paper link, we wrote something that we loved about Christmas (Family, Stories, Faith, Food etc)

There's also this fun way to make a Nativity for a family night thing. Made out of CANDY!!!

deb@virginia blue said...

you go, girlfriend!
thanks for giving us all a reminder to keep the presence among the presents!!


Anonymous said...

My goal this month was just to do one random act of kindness for someone each day in December. Sometimes its something time consuming, like a 2 hour chat with a friend in need, but one day I just put a loonie in a parking meter that had expired and it took 1 second as I was walking by. If I can do it you can do it!

Anyway, dont try to do it all - just try to make the most of each day and BE the best you can.

Love you!xo

zipbagofbones said...

I need ideas, too. I'm a total scrooge this year. KILLJOY! Must. Find. Christmas. Spirit.

Anonymous said...

The best, easiest, cheapest, most immediate and effective way to feel the Christmas Spirit is simply to get down on your knees and pray. Curl up with the kids and read the most wonderful story ever recorded in the scriptures.

Anonymous said...

Look up Joy to Everyone on You Tube sung by David Osmand. It hepled me realize that everyone benefits from the love of the Savior.