Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The REAL Forgotten Carol

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
I've got kids ages one through ten not listening once again
and candycanes make sticky fingers so!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Toys on all the floors.
But the prettiest sight to see is the shovelling, complete, up my own front door!

A pair of thighs that don't rub and a soak in the tub
is the wish of mommy today.
Walls with no smudge and a fistfull of fudge
may just melt the crabbies away.
And "dayhome Mom" can hardly wait for naps to come today!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go;
There's a tree in the living room,
that's sure to be dying soon.
And once it does, we'll burn it in the snow!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas;
soon the fights will air.
And the things that will make me laugh is the doll that's torn in half
when the tempers flare.

Okay, so that doesn't REALLY count as a post. But I have limited time today. With 11 dayhome kids, a few fights and snotty noses to clean up, and snacks and lunch on the way... I can't spend much time online.

I went out yesterday to finish the grocery shopping. Turns out I ordered Mimi's cake at the wrong grocery store, and had to drive half-way around town to go to the right store. My 1/2 hour trip took me THREE FRIGGEN HOURS!!! The roads were packed with ice and snow, and everybody and their dogs were out getting Christmas shopping done (no kidding-- I saw some person's dog left in a non-running car IN MINUS 35... I was a bit angry at that). It was not a fun way to spend the afternoon! But she loved her cake, so whatdya do!?

Mimi's third birthday last night was so cute... she was adorable. We got our family photos (and her birthday photos) done too. Kinda sucked that the camera broke AGAIN in the middle of our shoot, and we lost some of the better family shots. :( It always works that way, hey?

As I'm paying for the pictures, Meems tells me she has to pee. She then takes her pants off RIGHT there in the studio!!! Needless to say, we darted up the THREE STOREYS of the department store to find the 'closest' bathroom!!!! And made it. Phewsh.

I did my run. Watched Prison Break. Talked with friends. Ate a plate of cheesy nachos to offset my 'health' (haha), and got a phone call from a BC correctional institution. All in all, a busy, good night.


zipbagofbones said...

I think your song TOTALLY counts as a post, I even double-checked your meter, and it was spot on. I'm really impressed!

That call may or may not have been from me...

Michelle said...

I loved the song! Very creative and oh so true. The kids will be home in 45 minutes and then vacation starts. UGH!

Vanessa said...

11 day home kids?? Isn't the limit 6??? (lol)
Have a great Christmas...