Wednesday, December 3, 2008

200 Leagues under the Screen

THIS IS IT! My 200th Post on Blogspot.

I have the "other" blog I started way back in 2003. And another one I write privately, where only three others are allowed to read it.

But, On DAISYHALOS, this is the 200th post! In EXACTLY 9 months today, I've gone from being an obscure, unknown pollutant in the blogosphere to having an average of 115 people visiting a day. That's awesome- thanks everyone!!! (and kinda crazy that it's exactly TO-THE-DAY 9 months!)

I'm honoured that you spend time reading about my silly life (an average of 2:24 minutes out of YOUR life per day) and commenting! I've touched 68 countries and 2687 people! Wow. Just some interesting tidbits I thought you'd be proud of-- you helped those numbers, and I love that.

Make it a good one, right?

hmm.. what should we talk about? Politics?! (UGGGG- don't get me started! I'm annoyed at the whole Coalition thing- whether or not I voted NDP/Liberal/Conservative/other, I VOTED!! That should stand as something. If I wanted a separatist leading my country, I'd vote for them. OH WAIT-- they're not even a NATIONAL party. lame.) Moving on-- this is a topic of salt for me, and we shall not get into it on my celebratory blog-day.

(but, what's a party without drama from someone?!- Gotta love party-drama! yah, don't get me started on THAT either!)

I'm really struggling here for topic......
hmmmmm, let's brainstorm!

Well, let's blog-borrow.
My own opinion- when using something as inspiration, go to the TOP source. In MY life, that's the Higher Power I believe in, God Himself. *(and no, I don't write that to imply that I think God's last name is "Himself". That'd be just silly) So, what does God's Blog have for topic of the day? Meh-- He's planning a birthday party. I don't want to blog about birthday parties.

Okay, so going to the top didn't really work. I'd start at the bottom, but frankly, I could care less what Lucifer's blog says-- it'll be full of griping and complaining (ie: wailing and gnashing of teeth... and lots of "woes". Woe woe woe) but you can be assured it would be hot and steamy. Hmmm, I like hot and steamy! ;) On second thought....
hm, nah.

Okay, so how about the angels? I googled "Angel Blogs" and came up with a bunch of blogs on the baseball team. Not quite the angels I was thinking of. So, I continued, and found THIS blog. But, I read the "profile" (wouldn't want to be reading a poser-angel's blog by accident, naturally) and realized that I'm in deep horse poop--

Our "Angel" knows more than Jesus does apparently, as she informs us that " there are only 1479 days, 03 hours, 39 minutes and 10 seconds before humanity awakes!" AHRHAGHHHHGGHH! I'd best get a move on-- I've said I always wanted to learn how to snowboard. And that may be tough while I'm sleeping!

Okay, still searching for some blog fodder to celebrate the 200th post.

Maybe let's search the # 200.

Two hundred is also:

  • A common ISO-standard film speed for photographic films. However, 200 speed film is being phased out in consumer films in favor of faster films. (uh, that is, for the few dinosaurs who still use FILM! Isn't EVERYTHING digital now?!)
  • 200 MeV is the temperature of quark-gluon plasma phase transition. (My head just exploded, I'm sure! wow. Now THAT is something worth remembering!)
  • An HTTP status code indicating a successful connection. (more head exploding-- no computer talk!! PLEASE!!!)
  • The sum of dollars given in the classical Monopoly game to a player passing Go. (Ooooh, this one I can manage! Sweet! Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. Go directly to jail!)
  • A cholesterol level of 200 and below is considered "Desirable level corresponding to lower risk for heart disease"
  • "200" is the title of an episode of the television show Stargate SG-1. Oh dear- Stargate again-. ALMOST head exploding. More like, a super headache. It IS Stargate, though, and who doesn't love MacGyver in SPACE?!
  • The number of NASCAR races won by Richard Petty.
  • A Year. (wow, that's informative!)

hm... still not feeling it.

I've decided that now I'm officially part of the 200 club, so I looked that up! Uhhhhh, by the way, there's a club in Winnipeg called "Club 200". Don't GO there! Unless, you too, are gay. Or, you're a girl and don't want to get hit on. I've actually done that- I went with Chris and a bunch of our friends to the gay club here in Calgary a few years back. Back then it was called "Detours". And I'm not touching that comment with a ten-foot pole. :)

It was really fun, actually!! I was surprised, and realized how much of a naive life I lived. "Men actually DO DRESS like women in public?!" "Why are there no signs on the bathroom door for which one is the men's room and which one is the women's? ... wait a tick-- why are there no DOORS on the bathrooms!!?"

Yah. I'd not be one to join "Club 200" all that soon.

It's only 22 days to Christmas! HEY!!! 22 is LIKE 200. I mean, it has a 2 in it! (well, it has TWO twos in it-- double double your enjoyment.) Odalalee! 22 days of Christmas music and shopping extravaganzas. I saw Santa in the mall yesterday, and quite nearly thought about telling him my Christmas list.

My Christmas list will have to wait for post 201.

1000 words later, I've decided that just celebrating WITH you guys on my 200th post is plenty enough for blog-fodder. Yay for my 'fans' and 'frenemies' who read and comment on the mundane and not-so-mundane parts of my life. Maybe we'll get to another 'milestone' together. (hahah, I love how 200 is something of a milestone!? How ridiculous is that?!)

1000th word NOW. :)


zipbagofbones said...

Well, congratulations missy! That's really quite an amazing milestone. And posts about "what to post about?" are my favorite kind of posts.

deb@virginia blue said...

Happy 200, sugarplum!!
impressive stats, too...i was so wise to begin my blogging relationship with a master =)
