Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Early to Bed and Early to Rise

.... makes me less tired and reduces my thighs.

No? That's not how it goes? Well, it was my mantra on the treadmill this morning!!!!

I did it already.
3 miles done for the day. Man am I glad for a treadmill- as the -15 degrees and slush and snow doesn't much appeal to my running self. On Saturday (the BIG runs), I'll go outside, but I'm grateful for the TV show. After doing the bootcamp in -42 (with windchill), I have some good 'keep-warm' gear and running boots/shoesy thingamajigs.

That's a good feeling- knowing that running for the day is not still on the 'to-do' list. I also think that it will help my energy levels through the day (at least, that's the big experiment). And I am hoping that my diet will be better too, as I find that when I exercise, I eat less and feel bad about eating junk.

Albeit, I've already had two timbits since my run ended 1/2 hour ago! lol. Okay, when the dayhome kid brings them, what am I to do!? ;)

I also had a dayhome child come over last night at 11:30 pm!!! Mom went into labour, so he slept here. So excited to see a new baby, but sad that this means Gray will be here even less as Mom takes maternity leave. Thank goodness for January 1st- I'll have THREE full-time children, with a possible fourth! that will make things SO much easier around here. I have to find someone to drive to get Bear from school, though, as I don't have enough carseats to safely transport him every day. I may pay another mom at the school to do it. Money in, money out.

Although, my freezer is getting a good cleaning lately! Those packages of stewing ground beef ribs that I didn't know what to do with-- now baby, WATCH OUT! (no really. Watch out. Could be poisonous, and quite frankly, I wouldn't eat it if I had the choice!!! ;) )

Last night I was "sad". You ever get those days? Where you're just sad? no reason?
I lost it on my kids, which is never fair, and...
get ready for this one...

I ALMOST fell asleep in the middle of Prison Break!!! What is WRONG with me!?!!!! (Don't answer that, dumb dumbs!)
Nothing a good night's sleep didn't fix and a morning run.


deb@virginia blue said...

you're such an inspiration!...i am NO good at the running thing.
sorry you had a sad last night...i know all about those!...but glad you feel better today =)


zipbagofbones said...

Good for you for running in the a.m.! I'm lucky if I walk ten feet a day. And by lucky, I mean unlucky. Might have something to do with my thighs as well...

...and yes, I often have those days where I'm sad for no reason. Don't stress about it!

Kristi said...

Yay for treadmills that aren't broken! When did it get fixed? Yeah, it's cold here too, and my day of travelling and visiting people has been put off till tomorrow when it's PLUS degrees!
Sigh...sad days. Oh yes. I know them well. I thought it was funny that you wrote dumb-dumbs! Do you still seriously say that? When I was visiting in Lethbridge last month I found in my journal that I wrote "Jason the ding dong". Wow, what hurtful names we came up with!

Debbi said...

I donno- C fixed it a while back. It was a simple "disconnected thingy" inside the control panel. Like, plug-back-in, simple.

No, I don't say dumb dumbs. It just came to mind.

GuppiesGalore said...

Ahhhhh running in the cold. I went for a walk yesterday and solidly planted my foot into a big puddle of slushy water that was disguised by snow on top. I hope your feet stay dry. :)

holymotherofgod said...

I watched it
I love it
mmmmm Wentworth