Monday, December 8, 2008

I Like 'Em Big, I Like 'Em Chunky

So, this weekend was exhausting!!! I don't have much to say, but it was just a LOT of stuff crammed into one weekend. I need a nap!

I did end up running afterall on Friday afternoon-- did my 3 miles that I also have to do this week (Mon, Tues and Wed). It took me about 35 minutes, so I look forward to cutting that time down substantially. Then Chris and I went out for sushi for dinner, and the two of us went to the mall for a bit after.

We ended up at a party for some friends of ours, and after a few 'obligatory' hours, we took off downtown to a nightclub to meet up with Chris' best friend and his fiancee who were in town for a concert. His friend is like his 'brother-from-another-mother' type of thing, and Chris is the best man at the wedding this coming summer. We love the both of them, and always have lots of fun together. We danced and caught up, then went out for Chinese after. It's "THE PLACE" to go after the club-- Singapore Sam's is legendary here! Then, back home.

"Uncle Andrew" and "Auntie Joelle" stayed overnight (they live an hour and a half drive away), so they left in the morning, and I took the kids out shopping in the afternoon. Running a bunch of errands, photocopying, getting Christmas presents, etc. It was super nice outside!

We also took the kids to see Santa, and we all went to Madagascar 2. (cute movie).

Later, picked up the babysitter, and went to Chris' work party. Well, the second of three. It was held at Zen8, so sushi was on the menu AGAIN! ;) Good thing we both like sushi. This Zen8 place put on a drum show, which brought me back to one of the favourite things I did in Japan! I wore a nice, simple short-sleeved, knee-length black dress, and no jacket and it was soooo nice to be out in December, NOT freezing my toes off in little strappy shoes.

And now we're in the middle of THIS!! Over night! Literally! Waking up to this yesterday was so exciting for me-- now it's beginning to feel like Christmas! Finally.

I made Chris take 'before' pictures of my "pre-marathon-training" bod last night. YUCK!! Of course, having previously DONE before and after shots, I made sure the before was as nasty as I could make it! tee hee. When the 'after' shots are taken, I may share them with you. Until then, count your blessings that I'm not sharing them today! ;)


holymotherofgod said...

GAH! We got snow too. The last few days it's been consistent powdery snow and minus 18 ish. Oy with the winter and the cold! Blech!

zipbagofbones said...

Good for you! I trained for like 4 months and my max was 3.26 miles. Then I would fall dead on the ground. And die.

We're getting snow too!

Keep it up :)

Unknown said...

Cute Santa picture! I love it.

So@24 said...

Madagascar! Aren't you excited for the Penguins to have their own show?

Debbi said...

the penguins are getting their own show?! really?!

Unknown said...

OH gosh. love it.

Debbi said...

I know- Marce--- that's the same link I put up top on "Madagascar 2". isn't it awesome!!!??

Unknown said...

oops. Ha. *idiot*.

I just love it so much! har.

3 more sleeps!