Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gone Country?

I'm kinda funny with music. A lot of time I find a song which finds a song I had long forgotten. Such as this one that I can't seem to stop listening to: You Left Me (just when I needed you most)

Songs from Tim McGraw bring me back to 2000, when Chris and I were living in separate provinces. When I was 'knocked up' and Chris and I were hurt and fighting and heartbroken and misunderstood. My roommate, Amber, played CDs all the time, but in particular, this one. And we would dance like girls in our tiny living room to "My Best Friend". And I'd cry to "Some Things Never Change". And I would feel afraid, she'd make me laugh. I'd cry, and crawl into bed with her as she told me that things would be okay. She dealt with my pregnant hormones, my dirt and filth, my broken car. She dealt with so much.

It's funny, my music tastes. According to the ever-omniscient Facebook, I have the worst taste in music! lol (that stupid "compare me" thing is soooooo dumb). I just like what I like. And I find it most funny that in the hardest times of my life, I equate a country CD to that time period.
Odd, seeing as country is NOT the radio station I frequent.

When I found out about Chris and EF, I found this CD in my car. I listened to so many songs on that CD. Over and Over. I cried to "I Wish" on the way to get the stupid STD test. I listened to it on the way to church. I tried to listen to something else, but in reality, this song was the only one that said what I felt in my heart.

Music is the song of the heart. Like said in "Hear Thou The Song Of My Heart", one of my favourite choir/religious songs. There's times "when my heart can find no voice" and I need someone to "hear...the songs I cannot sing." My song lately? I'm kinda torn between a few. But when I find it, I'll share it.

Maybe I'm weird or deluded. But I still find it soothing to listen to songs about being hurt, of being left, or even being cheated on. Not because I feel bitter that way, but because it's nice to feel understood and to have the power of music to instill those feelings more securely in my right to feel them.

I was talking to Chris yesterday about bitterness and not being able to 'move on'. I know that, as much as it sucks to recognize, but the person who would more likely drive the final nail on the coffin to our reconciliation would be, in fact, me. To not be able to let go of that near animalistic instinct to retaliate. To always feel like a victim, and to carry that cross with me for fear of losing identity in the process of removing it. I know people who I believe have that issue... the almost tangible need to 'hold on' to the victim in their lives for nothing other than fear of losing one's self. Who am I if I'm not the divorced? Who am I if I hadn't lost a loved one? Who am I if I haven't been wronged by family members? In reality, haven't we ALL a reason for being a victim at one point in our lives? Why do I feel the need to continue to feel as such? To sometimes need to remind Chris of my hurt?

Forgiving is one thing. And I'm not expected to forget-- that would be asinine and put in me the same category as an ostrich with its head in the sand. To forget the lesson would be foolish. No, not forgive and forget. Forgive and let go. The forgiver remembers the true, though painful parts, but without the embellishment of angry adjective and adverbs that stir up contempt.

“Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future.”

Lewis B. Smedes quotes


Heather May said...

I loved that quote at the end. I find it easy to forgive people, but I don't forget. I just change the way I think about it. "It" stops hurting me, and I can think about "it", without being mad or angry. Maybe just a little sad. I've never read anything worded this nicely.
As for your need to remind Chris about the hurt. Maybe that's because you aren't healed yet. I don't think you can get passed any hurt until you feel that you have been heard. Understood. Validated. I think it sounds quite normal. To want to be a victim still, is your way of saying that what happened wasn't okay, it's not alright yet, and you deserve better. Still, I think that the day will come, when you are okay again, and everything is alright, and you can go back to being the happy you that you were. Without the need to punish and remind. I always feel a little bad for the person on the other side of the equation. When they truly want to make amends and fix things, but they don't know what they need to do to get there. I think it's good that you guys talk so easily with each other. Just keep talking and rehashing until you don't need to anymore. Maybe find a good book to read on how to mend a relationship. You shouldn't have to figure it all out on your own. And neither should Chris. You both deserve a second chance at this, if it's what you want. I'm glad that you are so happy right now. :)

Debbi said...

yes, Heather. It's true that I'm 'not healed yet', I just don't know how to heal. At least, in that way. I have talked this over a million times, I have changed behaviours, I have seen a counsellor. I have read THREE books on the aftermath of an affair and how to deal with it.

Is it just simple 'time'?

Anonymous said...

Is it time to yourself?
I know that it's a different scenario, but when my dad stole all that money my mom stood by him. It wasn't until he went to jail that she got some time without him to truly think through the scenario. It gave her room to realize how her emotions were being played upon by daily exposure to him. Old shoes, so to say. It gave her time to heal and, when that happened, she was able to see what she really wanted from herself, from him and from their relationship. She ended up wanting to stay with him, but it was a choice she made with clarity of mind, and not through the fog of all the confusion of their situation.

It's harder for you though, because you can't just say, 'lets take a break for 3 weeks and not see each other'. You have small children to be thought of.

(((hugs))) my friend.

Debbi said...

could be, Em. But we kinda DID that. I mean, we can't be completely separate, no, but there were nearly 2 months of limited visiting, and one full month of those was pretty 'separate'. As in, I stopped talking to him about things about me, and only talked about the kids. (like in this entry:

Anonymous said...

That's true...I remember reading that. I don't know the answer, unfortunately. I wish I could help.

holymotherofgod said...

Forgive? Sounds good. Forget? I don't think I could.

Staccey said...

I think of ANYONE I know, you will find the right answer for you. You are the most insightful and fair person I know and I have great faith you will find what you seek. It's why I love you so much.

deb@virginia blue said...

I've been thinking about you sooooo much lately! I know things are hard, and it can take a long time to really heal...but one day you'll get there. You're already so much further along than so many people in your situation would be!

Sending you hugs...(yes, I branched out on my own a bit...I still need to write for my own therapeutic purposes, and my sisters are too caught up in life drama right now!)