Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What's the Total?

Totally stressed. Totally PMSing. Totally tired of defending myself. Totally bored. Totally worried. Totally scared. Totally in love. Totally tired of explaining. Totally tired of being judged. Totally misunderstood. Totally confused. Totally changing. Totally supported. Totally tired. Totally inquisitive. Totally trying new things. Totally jealous. Totally insecure. Totally fun. Totally excited. Totally nervous. Totally annoyed. Totally hidden. Totally transparent. Totally finding "totally" a weird word once I look at it too much. Totally goofy. Totally serious. Totally considering un-anonymousing my blog. Totally reaffirmed. Totally wrong. Totally right. Totally forgiving. Totally hurt. Totally apprehensive. Totally keeping my options open. Totally testing. Totally taking my time. Totally relieved. Totally trying. Totally loved.

Totally Everything.


deb@virginia blue said...

Also known as Totally human..
which is why I love you!

*big hugs*

Debbi said...

aw, totally grateful, Mumzie. big hugs back.

Anonymous said...

I hope that you aren't "Totally considering un-anonymousing my blog". I am an anonymous reader and I totally love your blog. I enjoy your sense of humor, your humanness, and would totally miss reading about your adventures!

Debbi said...

Thanks, Anon. I likely won't-- it's just not in me to 'shut people out'. And a blog is public for a reason.
Thanks then. I'm glad you're reading.

Itworksforbobbi said...

Amen, sistah! I so totally agree! WHEW!

Unknown said...

Funny, right before you said you thought "totally" was a weird word after looking at it....I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING! I actually stopped and looked at the word again and studied it. Weird.

We must be sisters. ;)

Love you. Totally.

Debbi said...

HAHA, Marci, you funny.

BobbiJo, what are you Amening?

Totally love you two, too!

Carla McDaniel said...

i think we've all had days where we feel "Totally" to the extent you do right now. i've had plenty. there are days where i am right there with ya.

Unknown said...

totally get it.

Heather May said...

That totally must have taken forever to come up with.

My Many Coloured Days said...

I will never look at that word the same again. It really does help get your mood and point across doesn't it?

Debbi said...

Actually, Heather. It took less than 10 minutes. I just wrote every feeling I was feeling.

I hope it came across, yes, Coloured.

zipbagofbones said...

Like, totally. I love "un-anonymousing", that's awesome

Anonymous said...

You can actually un-anonymous someone?? how??

I'm like anon 1 - I enjoy reading it so I hope you don't do that. There are probably more anons than you even realize!

And why would YOU be jealous?!?? You have so much going for you!! Why do you feel this way??

I love how you are so open about things!!

genkibond said...

I saw you x-weighted thin tonight. I had never seen it. I know you had talked about it.

I have to admit that I was touched. I have felt the same things. Watching you do that is a total motivator.

Whenever you feel like you are totally "anything negative", think about how you totally rock, and totally helped my attitude.

Debbi said...

Anon #2, no, I can't 'OUT' Anonymous people. I can see where they comment FROM, but that's it. Sometimes I know who it is based on my relationship with them. I just meant, making it so anonymous people don't comment and would have to leave their name. But it's pointless, as fake names can be used just as easily.

Thank you. I appreciate your sweet words. I saw you at Mac's today, but you didn't see me. So hi. ;)