Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What a whirlwind weekend!

I have been officially busy.
Not in a bad way, though. In a good, productively, family-spent way.

This weekend kinda flew away from me.

The Play-by-play:

Friday night was uneventful. (I think. Wow. Sad that I can't remember Friday night!. .. OOOHHH I remember. yah, uneventful. I went to bed by 10 pm)

Slept in on Saturday, until I got going on the rest of my day. (Crap. What did I do SaturDAY?)

No matter. The interesting part was Saturday night. My lovely friend, Sin, took my kids for the evening so I could go on a date. With my new boyfriend. And yes, silly goofs, it's Chris. My Banff date was Chris too. (I must admit, I was kinda surprised that some were confused by who it was, as in previous posts I've talked about how great things are going between us. )

ANYwhoozle, so we went out dancing again.

It was an okay night. We didn't dance as much, but we talked with some other couples that we were introduced to at the club. Chatting away about dumb 'what-do-you-do-for-work' type of things, this one couple shocked us! They were TOTALLY interesting to Chris and I: he was from Bountiful, (in Creston) , and she was from Colorado City, (in Arizona), both which are part of a polygamist colony. They were 25 and 29, and had been married for 10 years. They met 24 hours before their wedding-- it was arranged, yes. And they left the colony 6 years ago. Parents of three kids... one is 9 years old!

TOTALLY interesting! We wanted to talk to them more about that life, but frankly, I wouldn't even know what to ask without being rude by asking them personal questions or asking something that came out as offensive! Maybe my fascination with that whole lifestyle is odd, but am I the only one who feels kinda like the rubbernecking crazy driver!? I've never met anyone who's 'left' the colony, like they had. And I didn't want to offend them by bringing up too much about that life-- it was obvious they didn't want to talk about it too much. Id' think it'd be because most people don't understand, and the couple is probably judged a lot for the actions inflicted upon them. That would suck. So I can understand that.

Sunday was church. It's soooo nice that Chris comes with me to church every week now. It's one of those 'new boyfriend' things that is impressive to me. No complaining, no grumbling. And no bargaining. He just gets up and comes with me. And I'm loving that.

Monday, I spent with friends and family. Chatting in my kitchen from pretty much 10 in the morning until 8 at night! Crazy! Good thing I didn't have too much to do! I FINALLY went for a run. After volleyball, Chris and I stayed up late and watched a movie. It was nice.

And today (Tuesday) we spend the day as a family. We set up one of our Christmas trees... the kid one! how can you tell?! ;) I put up posters for the dayhome. We went for a long walk. We put up the Christmas lights outside...

Fun times were had in the past few days. And now we're back to routine (hopefully) tomorrow. I have a job interview tomorrow, and a million thing on my list of things to do. And buy. And clean. And sort. And get ready.

Yep. busy. And I'm loving this type of busy.


The Bullknitter said...

Phew, so Chris is the boyfriend. You had me going for a bit. I sincerely hope it all works out. Everyone deserves to be happy.

Anonymous said...

A job interview? For a new dayhome child?
I love lazy days around my kitchen.

Debbi said...

yes, em, for the dayhome. A friend recommended me, so this new "mom" is a friend of a friend. Which is slightly better than a total stranger- they're usually less crazy! ;)