I have had some weird dreams lately.
One in particular, I'm bringing up with you guys to get your ideas on the meaning. So, if you feel inclined, lemme know your interpretations.
I was somewhere familiar. In someone's home- possibly mine, as I felt like I was very comfortable there. It may have been my parents' home. With the kids, and Chris, and all my family members and even a few friends. There was a bad guy, some Russian-like mafia guy who was OBVIOUSLY out to create sadness in our lives. I didn't know if he'd kill us, or put us in slavery or something, but I knew we didn't want to let him get us. Everyone was afraid of him and knew that him catching us would prove very bad in our lives. We could see him walking toward us, kinda up a hill. I started to worry, and started to initiate the 'evacuation'. Everyone else was worried about him and knew he was a bad man who was going to hurt our family somehow, but they started dallying. Started complaining that they couldn't find their shoes, or that they haven't packed enough of the 500 LBS of food storage. That their 72 hour packs weren't packed ENOUGH (even know we all knew they were done exactly right). My sisters, their kids... EVERYONE-- just kept finding stupid things that were keeping us from leaving RIGHT AWAY! I kept telling Chris, "we HAVE to go! He's RIGHT THERE!!" and Chris would nod his head and do something stupid like start making sandwiches for the car-ride.
My kids were playing with their cousins. I was the only one. The only one in EVERYONE I KNEW who was seriously worried and seriously moving. Who cared about shoes? You had to GO! But I knew I couldn't leave on my own- I knew I'd be in MORE danger out there alone and I knew I wouldn't be okay with leaving everyone I loved to possibly die. and possibly NEVER seeing them again.
that was it. I don't know if the man ever caught us. I don't know if we got away.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Be My Joseph!
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wow. Im so into dreams. They have often helped me figure out stuff that is going on in my life. its kinda of like your brain sorting through all your garbage. Anyhow, Im totally not an interperter, but I would guess, that maybe you know there is stuff you need to do in your life and someone or something or some people are holding you back from important things that you should be doing? Things that maybe you think are important but they dont?
I think the best interpreter is you though. Pray about it.
Oy yeah, and its not necessarily the people in your dream that are the conflict
well, it's possible. But I don't think it centred aroudn things I think are important but others dont, because in the dream, everyone acknowledged the issue and knew it was as important as I did. But did nothing about it.
If you were to take this in a Gospel sense....(and I'm no dream interpreter either) you COULD see it in the same way as a Parable. Everyone in your dream SAW the "man" (perhaps the signs of the time) and yet chose to doddle (they weren't fully prepared.....didn't have enough "oil in their lamps" perhaps). But YOU were prepared to get the heck out of there at all cost....but you hesitated because of your family and love ones. You knew where you stood (your personal oil lamp was somewhat full) and still you didn't want to leave because of the "unknown" out there by yourself. But what this could teach you is are you strong enough to stand alone and do the right thing if there's a threat to your testimony, religion?....without trying to "save" those who aren't prepared? You hesitated and you're not sure if you left or not....maybe that's up to you to decide now, in your real life. Are you prepared to stand up and face the evils of this life and defend your own self?
It was too late for your loved ones and they weren't prepared themselves....but maybe there's also more to learn from this...
Maybe you DO need to warn your loved ones who aren't prepared so that they CAN "leave" with you when the time comes?
You know this has made me want to write down MY dreams and interpret them myself. I have the most vivid dreams and maybe I'm looking at them as "all too weird" and not looking at them as "visions" or "revelation" for my own self.
This was JUST a though that I had for your dream....but your friend was right when she said to pray about it and find the answer to your dream yourself. It may have been your way of seeing a vision and recieving revalation about something in your life.
Anyways sorry for the ramblings....it was just my crazy thoughts on this.....and you did ask for them!
Love you girl.
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