Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday Tunes??

Technically, Tuesday was my tunes day. And Wednesday the Ws. But I've avoided the blogging-land for a few days. And I know you all noticed and were secretly dying a little inside. Yah. I know.

So, I'll share some tunes. And, if my friend with the carpet cleaner doesn't show up by the time I finish, I'll even share some 'life a la Debbi" with ya (ie: Chris' purchase of a shotgun, my birthday weekend, the sad passing of my dog...etc)

Tunes first:

  • I am so in love with this song right now. Most have heard it on the Top 40, but in case you live in a bubble like I sometimes do, check it out:
Better In Time- Leona Lewis
And yes, I kinda think it feels like my single-life sometimes.

  • And, a true classic Carol Burnett moment. She's a genious. This song makes me laugh- after running a dayhome, I find comfort in knowing that I do a much better job than she does! LOL And who cares that she's a fictional character and I'm not. That doesn't matter in my world! ;)
Little Girls- Carol Burnett
And yes, I kinda think it feels like my dayhome-life sometimes. :)

  • I never saw Return to Neverland (Peter Pan 2) but in searching an artist I like (Jonatha Brooke) I found this song.
I'll Try- Jonatha Brooke (and don't listen to the Jesse McCartney version, it's not half as good!)
And, you guessed it, yes, I kinda think it feels like my spiritual-life sometimes.

  • My other new song, which, again, is on the Top 40. It's one of those ones I can listen to over and over and over and over... you get the point. I'm not even a big fan of Alicia Keys, (talented, yes, but some of her songs bug me) but yah, this one is good.
No One- Alicia Keys
And, believe it or not, this one kinda reminds me of my love-life lately.

Love life.

ready for the lowdown?
(please, friend, bring me the carpet cleaner NOW. Before I spill my gutts... Now...
No such luck. )
Alright, here goes.

Love life is so good right now.
I'm dating this new guy who is simply amazing me. Sounds ridiculous, but he is sooo attentive of my needs. He is doing things I would have normally had to ask my ex to do, but this new guy just does them. Without asking. And it's so refreshing.
He's hot. He's sexy. And he is totally into me, and tells me all the time that I'm beautiful and tells me how much he thinks I'm amazing. He tells me things my ex never said. He touches me so kindly-- helps me ALL the time with stuff around the house. (although, I DID put the latest Mighty in the trash all by myself-- props to me. Holla!)
He's patient with the way I raise my kids. The way I keep the house. He never criticizes me or my job. He supports every decision I'm making lately, and most times, is standing there beside me when I make them. He's so smart and is WAY more humble than Chris ever was! He finds me smart, he finds me caring.
He is sooo good with the kids, and they totally love him. He has a job he loves. He is SOOOO different from my ex. So, although dating him freeks me out, I have nothing bad to say so far.

He took me on a date for my birthday. As a total surprise. Just said, "find a sitter" and that was that.

We went to Banff. And, by the way, I absolutely LOVE Banff.

Lucky for me, *auntie* Kannie agreed to stay at the house to watch the kids. They miss her, since Uncle doesn't live here anymore (not to mention how they broke up... so not the point) and she misses them, so it was nice to have her back. Couldn't ask for a better person to watch the kids-- she knows them, she knows their 'routines', and to top it off-- she knows where the cups are kept in the kitchen! lol

We got to Banff, and he took me out for Sushi. It sucked! The sushi wasn't really good, surprisingly, since the Fairmont does EVERYTHING really well. And we both like Sushi, so that was slightly a let down.
No matter. We went and got ready for the night, and took off to a local pub to watch the Calgary Flames' game. And ate greasy calamari and spinach dips and all that.
After the game, we walked across the street (isn't there only one street in Banff anyways?! lol)
to the local nightclub, Aurora.
It was DEAD at 10:30 when we arrived, aside from a bachellorette party, a few random people, the token two chicks (who can't dance) trying to get their groove on on the dance floor--to no avail, and another stag party in two separate corners.

Funny sidenote: the stag guys were all dressed in ponchos and sombreros and fake mustaches. Was the funniest thing ever. Silly boys were drinking Tequilla, which the bartender told me tasted like Pooh in a cup. mmmmm sounds delightful, I'm sure.

I went to the bathroom, and in the two minutes I was in there, my date had three girls surrounding him! I kinda stayed back, my insecurities getting the better of me. I didn't know what to do! He turned around, and saw me, and motioned for me to come over. I figured he maybe knew them.
Turns out he didn't, but they were the girls from the bachelorette party, on a mission to buy 'the hottest guy in the bar' a drink. Yep. And he was with me. yay. Eat your hearts out, girls! ;) (who cares that one of you is getting married in a few days)

Anyways. I forgot how much I love dancing. I mean, I KNOW I love dancing. But I forgot just how much! Seriously. Favourite thing almost ever! I'd dance over ANY other physical activity. (har har, you dirty minds can also take that as a "yes, even that!") No. Seriously. dancing is life.
We were there until the bar closed at 2:30! dancing the ENTIRE time! LOVE!!!!! Well, *I* danced the entire time. He danced with me a bit, and then sat back and watched me dance with a look of admiration in his eye that fed my ego.

Sunday was good too-- Daylight savings was working WITH me, and I had an EXTRA hour of COMPLETELY uninterrupted sleep. no kids. no phone. Nothing!!! ahhhh, heaven!

We went to the brunch in the Fairmont. By the way-- best brunch EVER. Ever. period! Sooo worth it. But make sure you make the reservations ahead of time, as it's busy busy!!
We went shopping at the Christmas store, but was slightly disappointed in the fact that they didn't have many village peices out yet. (that's my main 'thing' I go to that store to check out!)
And then I trekked over, hand in hand with my hot date, to the candy store to pick up candy only they sell. Seeing as it was packed COMPLETELY to the door, I declined waiting in line for the 2$ candy I was buying. I can go back when it's quieter.

Then I came home.

How does the weekend get any better than that? :)

Chris' purchase of shotgun:
During dinner on Monday, LL had TWO, yes, TWO boys call her on the phone. Which, of itself, was shocking, because she's NEVER had friends call her. But this was BOYS!! I asked her who these boys were, and the sparkle in her eye worried me. Then, ever-so-smugly almost, she replies, "oh, he's just my GOOD friend". And smiled.
Oh geez~ she's only 7. I'm in for it!! Please, tell me this is as bad as it gets! Please, somebody?! let me live in that bubble for a few more years!
Cuz, seriously, when I was 7, my best friend was also a boy. But I NEVER thought romantically about him. Not once. Derek and I just hung out. Simple. We had sleep-overs and everything was on the level.
Now I feel old, as I think, "my, how things have changed since *I* was that age". Pull out the Geritol, Gramsy!

And lastly, on a sad note, my dog, Simba, passed away last night. He lived a LOT of years for even a dog, so although it's sad, he was old and that's the circle of life. I got that dog after asking my parents for him back when I was 14. He was just a rambuncious puppy back then. I haven't lived with him for many years now, as he lived with my parents. But he was a great dog, and will be missed.


mcdltdsy said...

Bye Simba... he was a GREAT dog. I remember him jumping off of the couch in the front room as if he were flying... so cute!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sounds like a really fun weekend. where did you meet this new man in your life?
sorry about your dog

Debbi said...

anon #1:
first off, why are you yelling? (all caps is yelling in computer talk, in case you didn't know)

But be careful what you assume:

Who ever said the divorce ISN'T final?!
And who said we shared a hotel room?
And who said my *bishop (I don't have a priest) didn't know about my date?

In bishop knows and approves of my guy AND my dating him.

Debbi said...

Anon #2:
I met him many years ago through friends, pretty much.
And thanks. My dog will be missed.

Erin said...

OK - is nobody else thinking it?? The date was Chris, wasn't it???

I judge not. If you are going to make it work - then you HAVE to start from scratch - including dating each other.
If it wasn't Chris - here's to change & moving forward - in a different direction.

Best of luck either way!

Debbi said...

Thanks for your wishes, Erin.