Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Wishing For Daisy Halos - To The Dump

So my scale says I've lost five pounds. And the fact that the scale MAY be broken isn't going to play on my elation. No, seriously, I don't know HOW I lost the wieght, maybe just being more concious of what i eat and when and all that, but who knows. Hey, I'm not going to question it. And I know you all probably could care less about my incessant talk about wieght taking up all this room on your friends page, so I'll just shut up anyways.

Bear cut his first 2 teethes this past weekend. UGGG>. what a weekend it was too. But, oddly enough, the more I feed him real baby food, the less he wants to nurse. Like, at all!! So, indirectly, I'm weaning him, I guess. The drawback-- man, my boobs have never been this full since day three postpartum. THEY HURT!

Okay, actually now that I think about it, I might accredit my weight loss to my kids-- LL, in particular. She keeps me moving-- like, today's story.

We had to pick out our showers and our closets and our mirrors from this company (for the new house) today. I had the kids, since they only do day appointments, so here I am, trying to decide on stuff with her running around.

They have these mock showers set up everywhere. All of a sudden, I turn around, and there's LL, buck naked from the waist down, trying to take off her shirt as she stands in one of the showers. The sales guy just laughed.

But that's just the start of it. Frantically trying to put her clothes back on, I get her situated in front of a movie spot they have for kids around the corner. In no less than 30 seconds, I hear her on the opposite side of the store, singing away. The sales guy goes, "uhh, she's in the bathroom". Oh great. So, I run to the bathroom, and thankfully she didn't lock the door this time, so I go inside. Sitting there with her pants and underwear on the floor, she's singing her little heart out. She is actually sitting on the toilet bowl-- she didn't put the seat down-- leaving a dump. Crappy... and when I say crappy, I'm not trying to be punny. Ohh, the things you have to deal with when you're a mom. She's just so cute about it though, I can't help but laugh.

Man, there's been times I WISHED I could get away with leaving a dump at a public place where I could sing my heart out while I did it. LOL

(thinks) ***Okay, the comments that I'm going to get on THAT line.. ***