Saturday, September 19, 2009

Six Word Saturday- Sick

Being newlywed while sick sucks rocks.


Full of love. Full of snot.

Yep. I'm still sick. This is going on an eternity almost 10 days now. I've tried starving the cold, feeding the cold, sleeping it off, NOT sleeping at all, smothering it with love, NOT loving it, washing copious laundry amounts. Working with Will making out painting at the hotel. Sitting on my lazy butt at home. Working at my Mother-in-law's shop. Walking with Will at night. Paying bills. Shopping. Catching up on emails...
nothing is helping.

A runny nose, a headache, sore muscles... NOT a fun way to be newlywed. I figure, though, if Will can't handle a little bodily fluid as a newlywed, he's missing out on the best part! ;)


Emily Allison said...

LOL, gross. Glad you're having fun, sick or not. :)

Rhonda said...

aww feel better soon! OJ/Vit!

Lynn said...

Ditto to RhondaLue!!

Dr.John said...

The second one is the better

Drahdrah said...

I really hope you get better soon !

Call Me Cate said...

Sorry you aren't feeling so hot and hope you recover soon. Thanks for playing 6WS!

A. said...

Wow. I'm sorry....but secretly wondering how skinny you are form being sick?!?!?! ;) (You know it was on my mind)

holymotherofgod said...

Yes, I'm with you on the disinfecting of bedding and everything else. I just did the office at work- phones, fax machines, door knobs, cabinet doors, keyboards and mice, I Purell-ed EVERYTHING. And chicken soup & vitamins. Stock up. 10 days- that sucks =( Gotta get rid of that there dis-ease!!

Grand Pooba said...

bleh! That sucks! And blows!


Bry said...

I love you even when you are sick :)