Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sometimes you give yourself a nose-bleed, but once in a while, it pays to be picky!

Today, my little sister marries the man of her dreams. And I mean that in every way.

Have you ever seen the movie, Practical Magic? In it, Sandra Bullock and her 'sister', Nicole Kidman, make a wish/spell where they imagine a man who won't exist. A man who can do fantastical feats that no normal man could do ALL of... ride a horse backwards, whose favourite shape is a star, who has one blue eye and one brown eye.. stuff like that.

They make a list. As children.

And then... eventually... that man shows up. That exact man.

Years and years ago, Kiki made a list like that- a fantastical list of qualities that no 'normal' man could possibly possess all of. A list that we mocked her for.
And today, she marries the man she looked for. A man with those qualities.

I couldn't be happier for her and Ken. They are wonderful together, and my heart is filled with hope and love for them!!

Glad to have a new brother, Ken.
Congrats to both of you!


Kevin K said...

I hope Ken is his "blog-name".

Lynn said...

Nothing wrong with "Ken"! Love that!

What a BEAUTIFUL tribute to your sister Debbi. I wish them both ALL the best! Dreams do come true.

Unknown said...

YAY!!! Love them both.

B Willy said...

Congrats!!!! to Ken and Barbie :)

Genevieve said...

This was a wonderful post - so thoughtful! I'm creeping your page BTW - I'm Marci's friend from high school. Congratulations to your sister and her hubby!! :)

Grand Pooba said...

Okay, I had a list like that but then it changed when I met my hubby!