Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It's Small-Town Living at it's best and 6/52 (a bit late)

I missed last week's Find Mom Friday-- but you all know my excuses. So, here's a buttload of pictures to satiate at least a FEW weeks' worth of Mom-photos! :) Although, I'll play fair and only count these as last week's entry.

Will is having a fun time taking me to all the 'hot spots' around our little podunk town. Although I may grumble about some of the aspects of living in a Southern Alberta, LDS-centred, what-the-freak-are-all-these-minivans-doing-here town, there are some DEFINITE sweet selling points to my new hometown, too.

At the start of the 'tour', Will has taken us to the parades and celebrations. Everyone's there. Everyone's PART of the parade. Candy is thrown by the truckloads!

(Mimi and Bear, filling his pant pockets with as much candy as he can gather)

Children nearly get run-over by mini-motorized cars, and everyone laughs at her cuteness and thinks it's normal. ( If you can't tell in this picture, yes, Mimi nearly DIED, but you know, she's a girl after my own heart-- there was some GOOD CANDY on that there road!!)

And, although my heart may TOTALLY jump out of my throat when I see THIS, (this HUGE truck is barreling down the parade route, with kids TOTALLY hanging out the side-- they could fall to their DEATH, but no one seems worried!) it's a town where I can accidentally leave my daughter's hat on the bench we're sitting at, and come back hours later after a thousand people have walked past to find it sitting nicely on the back of the bench, waiting for it's rightful owner to reclaim it. TRUE STORY.

Will has taken us to the creek. Where it's perfectly normal for everyone to strip down to their skivvies and swim. MY KIDS LOVED IT!!

Will has taught Mimi how to swim. Well. Kinda.

Will has taught Bear how to "run like a man" through the safe, SUPER wide streets.

Will has shown me how fun it can be to catch snakes in the bush and freak the heck out of the kids! LOLWill and I have enjoyed ripboarding down the paths.
But mostly, Will has introduced me to many great people. People who befriend me at church, who sit beside me, who introduce me to other great people, and who seem genuinely interested in making us feel welcomed.

All in all, my new hometown is bound to bring lots of great experiences. That's the best part about country, small-town living. Everyone knows everyone, everyone helps everyone, and the best of dirt and mud and memory-making moments reside there.


holymotherofgod said...

Super, I love rural small community life though. I have great memories of the Cloverdale parade and Langley Days back when those areas where small and growing. Before the sprawl !
Congrats on your New Start, Deb. Enjoy it, savor it, relish it !!

Jillene said...

Aaaawwww....I am SO happy for you!! And who doesn't LOVE a good parade?! I would have been stuffing my pcokets full of candy too!!

And my favorite part--that you said skivvies. That takes me right back to my childhood!!

Claudine said...

Oh to be in a small town. I'm dying to go there...and since there is where MY family is...I'm praying it happens.

I'll be emailing you soon about some things, and a couple quesitons.

Small town living looks great on you hun!


P.S. Word verification:

Logra: What my son says when trying to tell me he's doing a log roll!

EmmaP said...

You forgot to mention that Will deserves FULL CREDIT for the invention of the "Water Wedgey"! hahahahaha!

So fun! (all except the snake part.... eww)

Grand Pooba said...

Okay, now you've convinced me. Small town is the way to go! Seriously, that sounds like a great neighborhood especially for kids!