Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Wishing for Daisy Halos - It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas

Wishing for Daisy Halos - It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas: "Unfortunately, I am NOT welcoming the 'first snow' after the summer. I think it's sick and wrong for it to be snowing today, the middle of September. What happened to my summer?
I'm actually really surprised how enjoyable my summer was-- and disappointed with how short it was. I was expecting to be fat and hot and tired and cranky-- and I was none of them. Okay, so i was 'fatter' than normal, but I felt a million times better about myself this pregnancy than I did with LL. And I don't know what it was that I said to Chris, or what happened in his head, but he was a bazillion times better with my self-esteem buttons this time too. I find it so fascinating how different this pregnancy was than the first-- from conception to one month AFTER birth-- there were no similarities other than a short, painful labour.
This snow, tho, has got me making Christmas plans in my head-- what to put in stockings, what to give, what to cook for my annual exchange party, who to invite, what to play--- stupid stuff. It's almost making me feel like I have to put up the tree and lights soon.... and it's not even Halloween!!! LL's going to be an elephant again, since I think she'll still fit the costume I bought her last year. Bear? Well, he wont fit into most of the commercial costumes anyways and I want him to be frikken adorable... I'll have to be creative and figure it out soon, tho.
And as for me-- well, I plan to be 10 pounds lighter. (Maybe that's pushing it- at least FIVE!)."